Chapter Four - The Beginning

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Okay, so this was really happening. I was about to text Gerard. I mustered up my courage and, without any second thoughts, begin to tap the letters of my keyboard,"Hey, are u Gerrad Jones?" He replied after 15 minutes or so," Hey, it's actually Gerard, but okay, yeah." OMFG, HE FINALLY TEXTED YAYY! I didn't wanted to fuck up this conversation and tbh I didn't wanted him to think that I'm a random simp, so I proceeded to write him something, which was the complete opposite of the reality," So my friend actually has a crush on you, so imma ask u a few questions asap" sounds kinda  cringe but I didn't even knew what else to write :( .

Well, from there, it began, and we gradually engaged in a conversation, which made me finally feel at comfort and relief that I didn't fuck up. While conversing, I noticed that he had a liking for video games. Also, he was a fan of rap, which astonished me as I remembered what Avril said to me earlier that day,"I think this guy Gerard is your type, I just seem to have a feeling that he has the same music taste as you." Okay, so it might not seem like it, but I'm a huge fan of 90s rock and metal, and on top of that, I was a music student in the prestigious London College Of Music. Plus, I was very much into gaming, a hobby that I developed during the lockdown. I know, it's very 'I'm not like other girls', but it is what it is (lol). It kinda surprised me that we almost shared the same hobbies, and it was an instant turn-on for me. With every passing minute, our conversation deepened, and I was enjoying it. I finally ended the conversation,"Bye mystery hallway dude," and he replied,"Bye goth chick." WAIT, DID HE JUST CALLED ME GOTH CHICK? Even though it gave me butterflies, I still took it as a joke rather than a compliment, and Avril kept saying that it was a compliment.(yes I was keeping her updated about this whole conversation).

After a little bit of more stalking (it has became more of a habit at this point), I finally found his friend's account (the dude who teased Avril that day). I found out that his name was Daniel Richardson, and he was in senior year. I also got to know from Gerard that both of them were best friends, just like me and Avril. I sent Avril his account. I kinda had this feeling that both of them would kick right in. I teased her in the group chat about him, and she was skeptical,"Ew me and that jerk who ignored me? Never." Well, it ended up being completely opposite cause Avril apparently took a little liking in Daniel.

The next day, I went back home and thought of texting him cause it gave me a weird sense of comfort while talking to him. I texted him,"wyd," and he replied,"I'm on a voice call with my homies fam wbu?" I texted him back,"nvm I'll text u later then," and he almost instantly replied,"it's fine. I'm just on a call. We can continue texting each other." But then he texted me something which had me dead,"actually my instagram glitches a lot, so can I have your number? I'll text you there." I immediately gave him my number, and we continued texting. He asked me a lot of questions about my life which nobody had asked me before, and most of the time, I don't really talk about my private life to anyone, let alone someone who I had just met, but that day it just felt like I could trust him and confide in him, and I did. With each passing time, I saw myself falling deeper for this guy. I asked him if he would like to be on a call with me the following day, and he agreed. That whole night, I kept thinking about Gerard and our conversation. Was I developing feelings for this guy?

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