I - The start of end of the world

19 2 1

September 26

I wake up to Joel shaking me lightly. informing me that Sarah had just entered the room, saying that she was getting breakfast ready. I groan, not wanting to wake up. but also confused as to why I hadn't heard her, since I was usually a very light sleeper. I sigh and sit up on the bed, seeing Joel put on the first shirt he sees. with another sigh I get up and follow, changing into a pair of baggy jeans and a loose, plain black shirt. that I had stolen from Joel.

Joel looks over at me with a scoff, he rolls his eyes but fails to hide the smirk that was tugging at his lips. I smile and walk over to him, standing on my tippy toes to kiss him lightly "happy birthday baby" I say as I pull away. Joels hands finding their way to my waist, pulling me in for another quick kiss. something that didn't happen often, with how stubborn Joel is.

I smile once more. My heart beating a million miles an hour, like a teenager whose crush just admitted that he liked her. except this was my husband, and I was twenty-six instead of seventeen. Joel chuckles and let's go of my waist "alright, quit ya daydreaming and hurry up. I heard that Sarah's making pancakes" he says stepping back from me. I look at Joel confused "but you hate pancakes?" I question as if he had suddenly changed his mind about the matter "but you and Sarah love them" he replies, turning on his heel, leaving to room to go downstairs, leaving me to follow soon after.

I walk into the kitchen, excited about the idea of pancakes, only to see Sarah making... bacon and eggs? I walk up to her, confusion clearly crossing my face "Joel said we were having pancakes?" I question her, causing her to jump slightly, having not heard me walk up. she sighs and turn around "I couldn't find the pancake mix" she replies before going back to the bacon and eggs. I sigh and sit at the table. Joel sitting across from me with a of coffee in his hand.

Sarah turns and pours Joel and I a juice, I happily take mine, Joel on the other hand looks rather disgusted, causing me to chuckle "vitamin c" she says with shrug as she goes back over to the stove to put the bacon and eggs onto a plate "you're going to need it, you like fifty now, right?" she says with a smirk as she comes over and puts a plate Infront of Joel and I. I sit there, covering my face as juice threatens to come out of my nose from trying not to laugh, Joel scoffs at Sarah and I "thirty-six." he says matter of factly.

I pick up my fork and start eating my bacon and eggs "you're going to have to start wearing dippers soon" Sarah replies, causing me to laugh again, Joel looking up at Sarah with a raised eyebrow "who says I already don't?" he questions jokingly. I take a bite of my scrambled eggs, cringing at the crunch before looking up at Sarah "shells" I say, picking the shell out of my mouth "calcium" she says, I swear this kid had a reply for everything.

we all look up as the door to the house opens and closes, tommy walking in "happy birthday old man" he says, walking to the pan on the stove to get some food for himself, cringing at the shell in the eggs, as did I. although he brushes it off "got a job today" tommy states looking up to Joel, earning a groan from him.

Sarah looks up, her eyes widening" really, but it's his birthday! you can't just have a day off?" she asks, almost shouting as she looks from tommy to Joel. Joel sighs and shakes his head "that's not how it works, I'm sorry kiddo" he states. leaning over to ruffle her hair. she groans, still eating her food. she looks to Joel slightly as he gets up to place his plate in the sink "your shits inside out" she states. making him groan and take it off to put it on properly. she looks up to me, the sweetest, most innocent smile.

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