IV - like hell I aint

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Boston QZ

I stare at the man Infront of me. unsure what to say, unsure what to do. my heart had stopped but felt as if it head speed up. like a girl seeing her crush in the hallway. my ex-husband was standing right Infront of me. both of us looking very confused and hurt. I could tell that he had a million thoughts rushing through his head, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what they were. 

before anyone could say or do anything Ellie rushes out of the room, trying to stab Joel with her knife. Joel grabs her arm, slamming the girl against the wall, making her fall to the floor "Ellie!" I shout in worry, rushing over to her. only for the brunette that was standing behind Joel; to walk up to me, gun pointed at my head. "You stay the fuck back." she states, talking to me as if I was a little girl.

 I glare at her, not liking her at all "I'm not going to stay back, this bantered just threw the girl against the wall and I'm a nurse, I want to make sure that she is fucking okay." I spit back at her, the anger from the afternoon coming back to me. 

Ellie reaches to grab her knife, causing Joel to stand on it and aim his gun at her "hey! at me, point it at me. not at her" Marlene yells at Joel before I had a chance to say anything, which was probably for the best. slowly, Joel moves his gun to point at Marlene, giving Ellie a look as if to try her to move, I hold a hand to Ellie, knowing that if I didn't, she probably would try to attack Joel or the brunette with him. 

I look back up to Joel, a million thoughts rushing through my head, twice as many feelings. "What are you doing here?" I spit out at him there is a long silence for a while before the brunette speaks up "The guy back there scammed us out of a battery. seemed like he did to you too" she answers, still glaring at me. 

I look to the bodies on the ground behind her before looking to Marlene who nods. I look back to Joel, not wanting to look at his friend "why do you need a truck battery?" I question, genuinely curious "why do you?" the brunette retaliates, God I hated her. Joel has never needed someone to speak for him, why now? "For a better reason than you do" Marlene answers, thankfully. I had no idea why fireflies needed a truck battery. Marlene than looks over to Joel "no offence, but tommy is only one man. he can handle himself" she continues, causing Joels eyes to widen. 

he opens his mouth, about to say something before Marlene cuts him off "it's our job to know things" she states. and that was true, fireflies knew everything about everyone. Ellie looks to Marlene "oh shit!" she shouts, trying to get up. I look to Marlene, only now noticing that she was bleeding out "fuck do you-" I start but she cuts me off, shaking her head. it's fine, it's not that big of a deal" she says, allowing me no room to protest. 

she looks between me, Ellie, the brunette and then to Joel "I was transporting this girl west to a firefly facility with a squadron. but now I have no squadron and I know what you're capable of. so, I think that you're going to do it." she says flatly. the room erupts into chaos. everyone arguing with what Marlene had said. Kim being the loudest "Kim you do not have a fucking ear on your fucking head, could you please!" she shouts with a sigh. and if it wasn't for Marlene bleeding out and my ex-husband in the room, I may have laughed.

Marlene looks back to Joel "you do this, I will give you your battery" she says, Joel obviously debating the offer. Marlene than looks to me "you're going with them you're a nurse, and you work for me. they will know who you are, and you can help if anyone gets hurt. got it?" she says, slowly I shake my head "Marlene I can't... I need to stay home. aurora..." I start but she cuts me off "take her with you! I don't fucking care, you're going and it's not up for discussion got it!?" she shouts at me, with no other response I nod. 

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