goodbye Helium Deflates

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I am discontinuing Helium Deflates. I'm dropping the entire project.

I've made announcements/posts like this before where I would take breaks or hiatuses from writing or making new content for Helium Deflates. This time I'm done, I won't be touching Helium Deflates anymore. Its gotten to the point my mental health has hit its absolute lowest where I've attempted suicide because of Helium Deflates.

I was stalked for several months, I was accused of inappropriate behavior such as Proshipping/Com shipping, having fetishes, drawing pornography. I have been sent death threats I was told to stop making Helium Deflated on separate occasions BECAUSE I made Helium Deflates. I was made fun of my writing I was even told to my face many times that my story 'could've been written better.'
I can understand I should expect this, as a writer and a creator there will be thousands of people with opinions and that's perfectly ok. People are allowed to have their opinions and I couldn't care if they hated my story, I don't care if they dislike my story, it is their opinion and I respect that. But when it's to the point I was drawn in NSFW, Stalked, Harassed, and sent death threats as a 15 year old; Is where I have to step in and actually do something for my safety.

I am sorry for how Helium Deflates was written, It was graphic it was edgy and it could've been better than it was. At the beginning of making HD I was at a bad place in my life and decided to write and use this book as a way to express my feelings, and people took it in a wrong way.

I will always love Helium Deflates, I will always love my community, I will always love the edits and the creations people have made for my little book that I started writing. You all made my life better in many ways, but I cannot handle this anymore. I cannot handle the stress of school, social media. Or harassment.
I can't do this, and I can no longer handle to pressure to continue writing something that was supposed to be an escapism and then get harassed.
So this is where I say Im done with Helium Deflates.
I don't want to see anything revolving Helium Deflates anymore, for my mental state.

Thank you

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