CH 38 Dining and Bonding

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Ch 38

CH 38

"Are you guys learning to eat with your eyes?" North sighed, "Sorry to tell you but no matter how different countryhumans are from regular humans, I don't think that's ever going to happen."

The family in front of him had been staring at the food for quite some time.

"I'm having trouble trying to wrap my head around all of this," Phil finally picked up his fork to poke the food.

The silence that followed was awkward and suffocating.

How do you talk to people who you haven't seen in a long time? Phil was starting to hate all of those reunion animes he watched; it made him believe that it  would be heartwarming. This is just awkward.

Perla stood up and slammed her hands on the table, startling everyone.

"M-mahal?" Kati stuttered.

"Let's eat," Perla said with a smile, clapping her hands to catch their attention, "let's eat like a normal family, one that didn't die and come back to life, but one that's going through a normal family reunion." She eyed them all one by one, including North, which made North raise a brow.

"So," she sat back down. "While we eat, we will have a family talk about the things we've missed out on," she eyed them one by one, "starting with one of the most embarrassing things ever," she smirked. "Your love life."

Seeing Martial and Del tense up made Phil smirk. Damn Mama is good. Maybe he should throw a little gas on the fire. "You know, Ma~" he shot a mischievous look to Del.

Del gulped.

"Kuya Del once had a girlfriend," he smirked, "a human girlfriend."

"Oh my," Perla smirked. "A human?"

"A HUMAN?" Kati frowned. "What did I say about dating humans?"

Del played with his collar, "don't do it because they have a short lifespan and will likely die before we do?"

"Yes," Kati picked up a glass of water, "so, how did you deal with that grief?" he asked, hoping it wasn't obvious that he was intrigued.

"Well, I—"

"He didn't," Phil cut him off, "he died before she did."

Kati choked on his water. "You couldn't outlive a human??????"

Martial was just trying his best not to choke on a carrot as Perla laughed loudly with no shame.

North poked Martial in the shoulder. "Stop laughing, you're probably next."

That made Martial freeze. "He wouldn't have anything on me...does he?" he whispered.

"Who knows," North shrugged.

Third took a seat next to North, confused and trying to remember why he was here in the first place.

Was Third taken without his will or did he just follow? He couldn't remember.

"But wait!" Phil smiled at Del, "there's more. She was pregnant when he died."

"WHAT?!!!!?!" everyone screamed in unison, including Del.

"Yup," Phil shrugged casually as he took a bite out of his food. "She gave birth shortly after, twins, a countryhuman and a normal human."

"We have grandchildren???"

Del slammed his fist on the table, making everyone go quiet. "Wait, let's pause for a bit," he took a deep breath. "I... had... children?"

"Yeah," Phil answered.

the past and the presentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora