Nature's Symphony

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In the cradle of dawn, where sunbeams play, Nature's symphony begins its day.
Whispers of wind through emerald trees,
A chorus of life in the gentle breeze.

Majestic mountains, their peaks aspire,
To touch the heavens, with hearts afire.
Rivers meander, with melodies sweet,
Carving pathways in earth's heartbeat.

Flowers bloom in a kaleidoscope of hue,
Painting landscapes with dreams anew.
Butterflies dance on wings of delight,
In the golden embrace of daylight.

In forests deep, where secrets dwell,
Ancient tales that time does tell.
Creatures roam in wild delight,
In harmony with the starlit night.

From the depths of oceans to skies above, Nature's canvas, a masterpiece of love.
In every leaf, in every grain of sand,
A symphony of life, intricately planned.

So let us cherish this wondrous sight,
And protect nature's gift with all our might.
For in its beauty, we find our own,
In nature's embrace, we are never alone.

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