Lover's Auction - Part Four

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"Hey pretty girl" Millie's soft morning voice awoke you from your slumber, prying your eyes open to see the beautiful woman peering down at you made your face light up. "What's that cheeky smile for, aih?" she said tucking the duvet around your feet that had become uncovered in the night. "I like waking up to you" the smile was still plastered on your face as you sat up to take the cup of tea she'd made you out of her hands. Millie sat down on the edge of bed, draping an arm across your body, "big day today princess, how you feeling?" she asked laying her head down in your lap. You hadn't been awake long enough to register your feelings about today and longed for a few more minutes of blissful ignorance before you had to acknowledge them. Today was the day you watch a live football game for the first time since mum passed 20 years ago. Football was your thing together and although you know that she'd love to see you go again, you felt guilty for going without her. It may not seem like a big deal but it was like a huge black cloud hanging over you. You'd recently started watching Millie's Chelsea and England games on TV with your dad and the prospect of football as a whole certainly wasn't as daunting as it once was but there was still an awful feeling in your stomach - the feeling of betrayal and guilt mixed into one huge cauldron about to boil over in your tummy.

Dad loved watching football with you again, for years he'd go to his friend's house or the pub to watch Tottenham just so he wouldn't upset you but now he gets to watch his beloved Spurs at home, without the fear of his baby girl having a complete meltdown. Every week he makes sure he's home in time to watch Millie's games with you, he's filled you in on the new offside rule (one that's changed many times since you last played), he always bought mountains of snacks home with him and even teases you about wearing the shirt of a rival team of his.

"The sun's shining, it's a lovely day" Millie pulled the curtains and interrupted your thoughts, she'd noticed you still hadn't answered her question and went for the distraction technique instead. "Are you more of a pie or hot dog kinda person?" her question sparked the glint in your eyes to come back, "I'm more of a chips and hot chocolate kinda girl" you smiled, the rumble in your belly already tasting the overly salty chips you'll get in the stadium. "Oooh, mayo or ketchup?" the blonde asked, busy getting herself ready for the day and determined to keep the conversation going so you didn't slip back into overthinking. "Ketchup. Unless I'm drunk, then mayo" you laughed at her silly question, "I can work with that!" Millie replied as she tugged on her socks and trainers then told you that Rachel had already left to meet her team.

Throughout the morning Millie kept checking in, conscious not to push you into going if you weren't 100% ready but also encouraging and reassuring you. She wanted you to do this just as much as you wanted to do it for yourself and her gentle and caring nature showed that. It was a lovely summers day so no coats were needed but you tied a hoodie around you in case it got chilly in the shade. Leaning over the sink to spit out the toothpaste and wipe your mouth Millie's arms found their way around your waist, her chin nuzzled between your shoulder and neck as you looked at yourselves in the mirror. "We make a cute couple if I do say so myself" you laughed, turning your head to kiss her as she hummed in agreement. "How are you feeling gorgeous, you haven't answered yet?" she said in an almost whisper, squeezing you a little tighter to make you feel safe. "Anxious, apprehensive, a teeny bit excited but that might be just because I get to spend the entire day with you" spinning around inside her arms to face her, interlocking your fingers behind her neck you stood together as one for a second. "I got you, okay?" she lingered a kiss on your forehead and waiting for your acknowledgement of her statement - Millie makes you feel safe, there's no doubt about that and her pet names made you feel increasingly soppy. She didn't want to rush you but it was time to leave, taking a deep breath before leaving the bathroom she lead you out to the car and drove to Bescott Stadium.

Walking towards the stadium there was a buzz in the air, an atmosphere that felt familiar as excitement started to build among fans. You watched families pass by with children in tow which made you smile, they had women's names on the back of their shirts and everyone walked together with no fuss. Not like men's games where they have to be separated, it made you feel happy to see how big women's football had grown since you left it, they're a big deal now! "Oh! Can I get a programme?" tugging on Millie's arm to drag her towards the person selling them. Millie was wearing a cap with her hair tucked underneath to try and go as unrecognisable as possible – she could have easily snuck you in through the VIP entrance but wanted you to soak up the atmosphere from outside. "You can have whatever you want doll" she chuckled to herself, watching you become more and more excited with every step. Flicking through the programme Millie's arm wrapped around your shoulders, peering over to look at the glossy pages too. "Shall I get you one of those?" chuckling as she pointed out the merch stall you were passing selling scarves with players faces on; she was joking but you were running with it! Your eyes lit up as you pulled her over to the stand and paid for two scarves with Rachel's face on, "this is so funny!" holding up the face next to yours so Millie could take a photo of you in front of the stadium to send to your dad. You couldn't believe what was happening, it all felt so huge! You never dreamed that the game you played as a child could lead to a professional career but here you were dating someone that proves you could of and should have!

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