For Eternity 4. (16+)

255 17 11

love was enough

Enough to fight the demons.

Love was enough

To hold us for Eternity.


After the eventful night, Kim was sound asleep, wrapped in the embrace of his sandalwood and a faint cocoa smell in the room. The morning was calm, and the air was filled with tranquillity. But abruptly,

"Ahhh" he was rudely awakened by a jarring sensation on his lower bottom.

"Fuck" It felt like a persistent poke, growing more intense with each passing moment.

Startled and slightly alarmed, Kim's eyes shot open, "Who wants To be dead in the middle of the night!" he grabbed the gun beside his pillow and hurriedly lifted the Duvet that was covering his body. Being Mafia Requires the alertness. But soon he diverted his gaze to the side. Empty sheet? He knew they slept together and he was the one who cleaned the room but where Was his Angel?

a mischievous little creature, his Angel, innocently batting at his toes. The tiny feline managed to sneak into Kim's bottom, seeking some morning adventure and pleasure.

Kim grabbed the duvet covering his body. Then his heart almost stopped.

Those beautiful orbs looked at him. Eyes that he can recognize even from afar, looking at him intensely he whispered feeling all sorts of arousal "Chay" his breath hitched. Gun dropped. The boy was too close. Dangerously close to his clothed Membrane.

"P'Kim" Chay grinned adorably. His Soft fingers glided to the waistband as he slowly slid down the pants, revealing the evident awakened Shaft due to proximity.

"Chay, What are you doing? Please you must be sore! Let's Sleep and cuddle! If you go further I won't be able to hold back..." The warning didn't sound genuine, More like the eagerness he felt in his body shot up electricity waiting for this very moment. But with the last little sanity left, he let out those words.

"P'Kim I love you, You took Care of me yesterday. Let me help you with this today," With that last phrase, pointing at the natural daybreak arousal, Chay drifted over to his Hard Shaft. His Butt was up in the air while he arched his back. Making Kim's hard Shaft standing, gradually he wrapped his Little Hands as he stroked for the first time.

"Angel, When did you learn this?" he confusedly asked. Nonetheless shrugged off.

"Don't Question P'Kim when I am of age" Chau slightly giggled.

The for the second. The third. Fo—

Kim's back arched with the sensation. Passion. Lust. "A–h F..uck Porc—hay" mouth that only made others beg for mercy and pleasure. He moaned with pleasure. The intensity of this was insane for him. He couldn't describe it through words. His Angel wrapped around the cock was damn beautiful for him.


he felt hopeless. he felt the need. He felt lovesick. How could he be that cruel to leave his pretty boy in the first place? God Forgive him for this ample mistake. 

"Porch—ay, .....  My Ange-l..... So Per—fect"

The speed became faster as Kim was lost in the euphoria. He wanted more. Something more intense. That Adorable little warm mouth. Coated with his release. He exactly wanted that.

Subconsciously Kim's hand grabbed Chay's face and was about to make him su—


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