1. The Beginning

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One morning at university, I Darius Colton as a student in general doing the usual boring activities, the boredom disappeared when I met four of my childhood friends who happened to be in the same university, we always played together to spend free time.

In the class, Darius who had finished his assignment, immediately took the cellphone and gave a message in the group chat to have lunch together in the canteen.

"Guys, I've finished doing my assignment, let's buy food together, I'm hungry~~"
Darius gave a message to his friends in the group chat.

"Wait damn it! I'm not done yet!"
Cale Horation gave a message in the group chat rudely answering Darius' chat.

"Heyy watch your language Cale! It's not nice like that"
Elisha ryuna replied to Cale's rude chat.

"But it's a chat -_-"
Cale Horation replied boldly

"It's the same thing"
Elisha Ryuna replied to Cale's chat which annoyed her.

"Never mind you guys, I'm going to eat a Beef Burger~~"
Garret Harvey responded to Cale and Elisha's chat by not really caring, Garret was only thinking about food.

"Wait for me."
Uri Urdha responded to the four of them for opening the group chat late

"When are you going to the cafeteria? I'll wait there first."
Darius responded to them.

In the end everyone gathered for lunch together, Darius looked happy to be together with his friends, Darius remembered the past of his friends, each of them had a background and personality.

Cale Horation is a naughty person who is not punctual and brave but he has a good heart, he has a bad family because of that his friends always accompany him, Darius met him when he was in elementary school, they were rivals.

Elisha Ryuna is a smart and good person, he has a good family and is located, Elisha has many friends because of his good personality, many people like him, Cale and Elisha always fight.

Garret Harvey is a strong and sturdy person he never once lost physically although he is stupid but he is also brave, Garret is an orphan who is always grateful.

Uri Urdha is a helpful person although his attitude is a little rude, he is actually very kind but because of his childhood trauma, his attitude has changed... Be-

Suddenly Something flew straight onto Darius head.

A plate flew into Darius' head from behind and made him bleed.

His friends were shocked

The other students were silent as they watched the incident.

"Argh! Wha-"
Darius said while in pain

"H-HEY, are you okay Darius?"
Garret and Uri were worried about Darius

The plate was flown by Darius's bully, his seniors, the bullies were Horton and Berta, Horton was Cale's older brother and Berta was Horton's friend.

"Haha does it taste good?"
Horton said in a condescending tone

"You bastard... "
Cale said with a feeling of resentment

Cale tried to hit his brother but was stopped by Darius because they were attracting too much attention.

"Never mind, I'm going to the medical room"
Darius responded because he didn't want to prolong the problem.

Cale was annoyed with his brother.

Elisha stared at Horton and gave him a hostile look.

The four of them took Darius to be treated, on the way Cale kept cursing his brother, Garret said he would defeat Horton, Uri and Elisha were worried about Darius' condition.

In the end Darius was treated and told to rest at home, friends prayed for Darius to recover quickly, Darius went home first.

Darius lived alone in his house, his parents went to work abroad.

Darius put down his bag and went to bed.
"Hah~ Damn bully"
Darius said with annoyance towards the bully.

Darius opened the group chat and saw his friend's chat.

"Get well soon bro"
Garret said sincerely

"If anything happens, call us!"
Uri said with worry

Darius responded to their chat.

An exhausted Darius fell asleep.

Everything went smoothly as it should, but all that changed for the next day.

Darius woke up from his sleep because he heard the commotion and saw a place that was not his room, the place was very large and dark, in the middle of it Darius saw a lot of crowds who panicked and fretted about what was happening, Darius at first thought this was a dream, but it was not.

The crowd of people said frantically and anxiously

In the midst of the chaotic crowd, Darius immediately looked for his friends.

"What happened?!"
Darius was confused and afraid of what was happening to his world and himself.

In the end no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find his friends, Darius felt this was a nightmare, but he felt his five senses.

"T-This can't be real..."
Darius said in agitation and disbelief.

He tried to look around him and concluded that...

"T-This is a mall?! The size is so abnormal I can't even see the end of this mall."
Darius was confused and scared

Darius tried to calm down but it was gone because he saw a very large monster in front of him, Darius sat still and many crowds of people were frightened to see the monster and ran as far as possible, without knowing that what they were in now was a safe zone for humans, the monsters would not be able to pass this safe zone, the people who ran earlier ended up dead.

Darius realized that the monster could not reach him because of an invisible wall.

"Damn it..."
Darius said in fear and confusion, disbelief while sitting still after seeing the monster right in front of him.

Darius had never seen anything like this in his life.

The crowd thought it was a joke but the moment anyone tried to get out of this safe zone, the human was instantly eaten by the monster in front of the crowd with blood everywhere.

At that time they realized they had to survive in this hell-like world.

Many people are down and resigned and some are trying to fight for survival.


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