•»Salir con vida«•

85 8 7


A frigid winter breeze swept through the courtyard, making leaves skitter across the cold pavement. Quackity pulled his coat around tighter around his small form, shivering slightly as the cold wind brushed against his neck. He hurried up to the school building, clutching the strap of his bag as he walked through the glass doors. Quackity relished the warm air of the building as it melted away the icy feeling that had attached itself to him.

The ravenette made his way over to his locker, tossing in his bag only to pull out a few notebooks instead; and he tucked a pen and pencil into his pocket as well. He had plenty of time to roam the halls and chat before he needed to be in his first class. Approximately 30 minutes.

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Wilbur yawned and stretched his hands over his head, shifting comfortably underneath his blanket. He groggily looked over at the clock and practically threw himself out of bed. "Shit! I'm late for school!" He cried out, desperately trying to untangle himself from his duvet.

After the brunette finally managed to get out of bed, he rushed to get his clothes on and nearly forgot to grab his school bag. Wilbur dashed out of the door, yelling a quick goodbye to his father as he hurried down the pavement towards the school building. Luckily he lived relatively close to the school.

He got to the building double-quick, not yet noticing that he'd forgotten his jacket. Something that he'd regret later on since it was practically winter outside. Once he got inside and checked into the front office he went straight to class.

The Brit paused at the door of his class, his hands shaking from adrenaline as he knocked on the door rapidly. History class, his teacher absolutely adored him for his knowledge. He'd get let off easy. Wilbur greeted his teacher with a quick apology as she opened the door for him. "Sorry, Mrs.Harper...I overslept a bit."

"No worries, dearie, take a seat." The older woman gave a small nod, her frail hand gesturing to his seat.

"Thank you, I truly do apologise." He said before hastily walking to his seat. Right next to Quackity. He hadn't a clue why he found himself so attached to the shorter man. Despite his temper, Wilbur adored him. In more ways than one.

"Stop staring, pendejo." Quackity muttered, giving Wilbur a sharp glare.

Wilbur immediately looked away, his cheeks flushing a soft pink out of embarrassment. "Apologies, Quackity...didn't mean to stare." He replied, then he gave a cocky grin. "I just can't seem to get my eyes off of you."

The ravenette rolled his eyes, clearly unamused. "If you don't mind, I'd like to actually learn something from this class rather than listen to your half-assed attempts at flirting."

Wilbur gazed at the man for a few seconds longer before giving a small shrug and looking up at the front of the classroom.

This was going to be a long day.

• • • • •

The bell rang, signalling the second to last class was over. Quackity gathered his notebooks in his arms and ducked in-between people and desks to get to the door. As he walked down the hallways towards his locker, someone grabbed onto him and drug him into an empty classroom, making him let out a yelp of surprise.

"What the he-" a hand covered his mouth quickly. Quackity hesitantly looked up to see the familiar cinnamon brown eyes of Wilbur, though something was off about him. He looked...hungry? Desperate? Almost apologetic...

"Forgive me, Quackity..." Wilbur's voice was hardly a whisper.

Quackity tensed up as he felt the tallers breath on his neck, he felt as though he might panic. He tried to struggle out of his grip, but it was useless. Wilbur was just too strong. He felt Wilbur's lips on his neck, then pain. Something warm slid down his neck, soaking into the collar of his shirt.

Quackity felt a small tear slide down his face as Wilbur's teeth, no, fangs, dug into his skin. He wanted to cry out but he knew that I would only make it worse. He sagged with relief once the brunette pulled away, a small bit of Quackity's blood on his lips. The look of regret in the Brit's eyes was surprising. Quackity had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming or something.

There was something so wrong about this man that stood before him...but, then why did he feel a stirring in his chest everytime he was in his presence? He needed to get his mind straight, but he just couldn't with those eyes focusing on him. Those same eyes that had a red spark in them. One word echoed in Quackity's mind.


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