•»Mordisco de medianoche«•

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Quackity walked close to Wilbur as he led him to his home. He was just hoping his mother wouldn't question him. Or maybe his mother wouldn't be home. That'd be better.

He felt Wilbur's hand lightly brushing against his, as if tempting him in a way. Soft grey clouds decorated the sky, bringing the warning of a soft rain that was yet to come. Eventually, Wilbur grabbed onto his hand, surprising him with the intensity of his grip. He didn't mind it though, despite the initial shock it was quite nice.

Quackity unlocked the door and led Wilbur inside, quickly dragging him to his bedroom. He desperately wanted to confirm what they had started in the school building. He knew that Wilbur want to do so as well.

As soon as Wilbur set his school bag down, Quackity pinned him to the wall. Despite how much shorter he was than Wilbur, he was able to easily pin his hands above his head; his other hand resting on the brunettes hip. "You look so cute when you're pinned down." Quackity whispered in his ear, feeling Wilbur shiver. "I can't wait to hear all of those pretty sounds come from your lips."

The ravenette pressed his lips against Wilbur's, eliciting a small gasp from him. He squeezed his hip tightly, pressing his tongue into his mouth as he leaned into Wilbur's body more.

The feeling of Quackity's body pressing against his made him almost let out a moan, he desperately needed to feel more of him. "Please," The word came out of his mouth before he had any time to think, causing a soft red blush to creep across his face.

"Oh, you want more?" Quackity questioned, his voice low and sensual. "Gods, you're so fucking needy." Wilbur's eyes fluttered closed as the shorter began to kiss his neck. The wall behind him felt cold and uncomfortable, a stark contrast to how warm Quackity was.

He couldn't even begin to describe how good it felt to receive this sort of affection. It was so new to him. The ravenette's hands roamed his body—trailing down his arms, running along his sides, rubbing his back, and playing with his hair—as Quackity's lips explored his neck.

When Quackity's hands went down to his hips again, he let out a faint whine and instantly covered his mouth with his hand.

Quackity gave a confused look, his soft brown eyes gazing up at him. "What's wrong?" He murmured gently.

"I- It's just...It's embarrassing how...how worked up I am. And...and I just..." The Brit sighed and shook his head, giving up trying to form a coherent sentence.

He gave a soft laugh, brushing a strand of hair from Wilbur's face. "It's okay to feel embarrassed, you just gotta push through that feeling. It'll pass." Quackity's hands grabbed onto his. "Why don't we sit on the bed instead, it might be more comfortable?" He suggested.

The vampire gave a small nod, allowing Quackity to lead him over to his bed. "Hey, Quackity?" He asked once they sat down. "What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"I- What I mean is...are we- are we like together now? Or friends? Or friends with benefits? Just- what are we?" Wilbur explained, rubbing his thumb over the back of the shorter man's hand.

"Well..." Quackity trailed off, thinking for a moment. "What do you want us to be?"

Wilbur looked down at the ground, picking at a stray string on his jeans. "I want...I want us to be more than just...I want you to be more to me than the person that I've drank blood from..." He hesitated, then added. "If that makes sense?"

Quackity gently placed his finger under Wilbur's head and forced him to look back at him. "Lovers?"

"Yeah..." His voice cracked a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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