•»Sed de sangre«•

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His whole body ached. Quackity couldn't tell if it was all in his head or if he truly was in pain. One thing was true...Wilbur Soot was a Vampire; and said vampire had bitten him just hours ago. The bite mark was surprising...numb. There was no burning pain coming from it-Which is what he had expected initially.

Quackity pried himself out of his bed and shuffled meekly over to his bathroom, flicking the light switch on with tired disregard. He gazed at himself in the mirror, his eyes falling to the bite mark on his neck which he tried in vain to hide but a band-aid or gauze just irritated his skin.

He refused to believe that he had actually enjoyed being bitten. He told himself over and over that it was not something good. The opposite really. He should've hated it. He should've hated that stupid brunette. The Vampiro. He willed himself to forget it had ever happened, but he knew it would be impossible. Impossible to forget the hungry look in Wilbur's eyes. It made his heart flutter in a way that it shouldn't when he was around the tall Brit. It was wrong.

"Quackity, Hora de cenar!" His mother called for him from downstairs. He hesitated, then quietly crept down the stairs, making his way to the kitchen.

"Hey, mamá, I'm gonna take my dinner to my room if that's okay?" Quackity leaned against the back of the kitchen chair, his fingers tapping the backrest of the wooden furniture.

"Can't you eat with your familia for once? Always taking your dinner up to your room!" His mother shook her head with an irritated huff.

Quackity felt his heart drop. He should've expected that response, but it still hurt to hear her harsh words. "Lo siento, Mamá..." He mumbled. "I...I'm just gonna go to bed then, Buenas noches, Mamá." The ravenette winced a bit at the way his voice crack, but his mother seemed to pay him no mind as he left the kitchen and made his way back to his room.

• • • • •

Wilbur was sprawled out on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone as his father cooked dinner. Chicken and rice, to be specific. He hadn't told anyone about the little incident regarding his classmate; and he didn't plan to.

"So, Wilbur," His father's voice startled him out of his thoughts. "You want to explain the stain on the collar of your shirt?" He didn't sound particularly mad, there was a quiet note of concern in his tone actually.

Wilbur shifted in his spot uncomfortably, the stern gaze of his father almost made him shrink back and cower under his stare. His mouth felt dry and his heart started to pound in his chest. Was he mad? Would he be punished? His father always carried out the worst punishments. He had done nothing truly wrong. He couldn't control the urges, surely his father would understand that?

"I'm sorry..." Well that was pathetic. He winced at how weak his voice sounded, the way it cracked. He prepared himself for his father to yell, to reprimand him in some way. He didn't expect his father to sound so calm when he spoke.

"Just go to your room, Wilbur..." Those half-whispered words only made his thoughts race faster.

Wilbur spent no time getting off of the couch and hurrying to his room, gone in the blink of an eye. The brunette huddled up under his blankets, his body trembling. He didn't know why he got like this at the thought of being punished. Perhaps it was because he was the outcast of the family; quiet, a book worm, some people even called him more charming that his brothers. He didn't believe that he was a very likeable person. No. He found himself to be quite annoying. A burden.

• • • • •


Quackity was waiting by his locker, his eyes searching the crowd for that familiar mop of brown curly hair with a singular white streak. Hardly a minute passed before he saw the man he was looking for.

The ravenette marched over to him, shoving his way through the students in the hall. He snatched ahold of Wilbur's wrist and dragged him into the same empty classroom as before, shoving him roughly against the wall. He actions elicited a quiet cry of pain and surprise from the taller.

"¿Quién demonios te crees que eres?" Quackity demanded. He stared up at the vampire, noticing the look of confusion in his eyes. "I said...Who the hell do you think you are?"

Wilbur visibly forced himself to speak, and now it was Quackity's turn to be confused. "I...I think you know already...I told you that I was sor-"

"That doesn't excuse your actions, asshole!" He pinned Wilbur against the wall harder.

"I'm sorry!" He cried out, clearly panicking. "I couldn't control it! I just- you-" He broke off, his voice shaking.

Quackity kept his harsh demeanour up for another moment before he stepped back and let out a long sigh, letting go of Wilbur. "Well...As much as I would hate to admit anything to you...I kinda...liked it?"

Wilbur let out a choked sound of surprise, his soft cinnamon brown eyes wide with shock. "You what?"

"I said I liked it, okay!?" Quackity huffed, forcing his gaze away from the Brit. His heart was racing and he felt that familiar stirring in his chest. "You...can do it again...if you want." He mumbled.

He could hear the brunette step closer to him, then a warm pair of arms wrapped around his waist. Wilbur's soft lips brushed against his neck, making a shiver run down his spine. He felt his eyes fluttering closed as Wilbur placed soft kisses up and down his neck, his hands finding their way down to Wilbur's as he leaned back into the man.

After a few moments he could feel Wilbur's fangs sinking into his neck, making him let out a small hiss of pain. Wilbur's mouth on his skin felt unbelievably good, and the way he suck the blood from his body made it all the better. As Wilbur pulled back, Quackity couldn't help himself.

Quackity turned to Wilbur and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, pulling him into a possessive and demanding kiss. The sudden kiss made Wilbur let out a soft moan of enjoyment and shock. He gently pushed Wilbur back against on of the desks, his free hand going to the Brit's hip. Each little action he took caused a reaction from Wilbur that made Quackity all the more confident and eager.

The ravenette felt Wilbur's arms wrap around his waist, his hands going under the back of Quackity's shirt to run up his spine. Quackity squeezed Wilbur's hip tightly, eliciting a small moan from the taller.

The ravenette pressed his lips against Wilbur's harder, his tongue pressing against the vampire's bottom lip. And to his surprise, Wilbur opened his mouth to allow Quackity's tongue in. He could taste his own blood bathing his tongue as he explored Wilbur's mouth eagerly and almost desperately.

They both knew how far this could go, despite them being in a school; in an empty classroom.

Would they risk it?

• • • • •

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