Combining Pers..? || Rom. Lionfish

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I'D LIKE TO CLARIFY THAT NO- I do not believe it to be a pro ship as I just hc gaming as 18 and fremi as 17 or something close to that. I do not in all means want it to be a pro ship so don't get angry. Ok now enjoy the story.
Hey Freminet! What are you doing here in Liyue?" Called out the young man known as Gaming as he ran towards him.

Freminet turned at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, my brother Lyney asked me to come along while he performed with Lynette. He's having a collab with the opera singer Yun Jin I think." He replied.

The two had only met a few times before, but they managed to become friends in fast time. Mostly because of Gaming being persistent.

Gaming smiled as he slowed to a stop in front of him, his wushu dragon floating right next to him. "You got any spare time? I've got an idea I've been wanting to ask you about."

Oh. The real reason the three siblings were here was to meet up with Tartaglia on 'Father's' orders.. but a small detour wouldn't hurt right? Lyney and Lynette would be able to handle it for now.

"Sure." Freminet finally answered, a bit hesitantly.

Gaming took his hand and started running with a smile. Freminet was caught off guard but soon ran along with him, noticing a few new details about the wushu dancer he hadn't noticed before.

His eyes trailed down Gaming's chestnut brown hair. It looked so soft, he had to fight back the urge to touch it.

Soon the two made it to Gaming's workshop, a building that Freminet had only ever heard of in their conversations. His eyes widened with surprise as they entered, amazed by all the different masks and puppet models in the small room.

"This is where you work?" Said Freminet, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Yeah, it's a bit messy," Gaming chuckled. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to make a dragonified version of Pers! Did I get the name right-?"

Combine Pers? Huh, that sounded interesting.

"Oh, do you mean in a design sense?" Freminet asked as he summoned said mechanical penguin in question.

The robot clicked and whirred happily as it flapped its metal flippers in Freminet's arms.

"Pers doesn't seem to mind.." He replied softly.

Gaming's smile only brightened. "Alrighty then! Let's get to work."

The two boys slowly worked together as they figured out a cool design for Pers. Freminet was a bit hesitant to suggest ideas at first but eventually started to relax.

Finally the design was done and with a few streamers, paint, and cloth, the design was complete. They had replaced Pers' little hat with a mini mask and added a few red streamers near the top of its head. Freminet even fiddled around with it so its eyes could glow red.

They finished right as the was about to set, so they let the penguin and the floating lion play together outside while the other two people watched from afar, sitting down together on the roof as they stared at the sun slowly setting in between the high mountains of Chenyu Vale. It set a soft light across both of them, causing Freminet's hair to shine like pale gold, his blue eyes shimmering with happiness.

"Would you mind if I called you 'Fremi'?" Gaming blurted out before he could stop himself.

There was a moment of silence, the tension between both of them high before Freminet finally answered, a soft and rare grin on his face.


Gaming let out a breath he hadn't even notice he was keeping in until now. His eyes trailed across Fremi's soft face, long lashes... He seemed so angelic in the sunlight.

"Also Fremi, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe have dinner with me?" Gaming asked nervously.

Freminet stared for a second at him, noticing his slightly flushed cheeks. His own voice seemed to be unintentionally higher when he responded.

"As in like, a date?"

Gaming nodded vigorously, the words a tumble in his mouth. "Unless you don't want it to be then that's okay too! I uh, would like it if it really was a date though..."

Once again there was silence, the only noise being the rustling of the leaves and their two companion's squeaks and whistles. The sun was almost fully set now. It peaked over the horizon like a shy child playing hide and seek.

Freminet, taking a breath, finally answered. His mouth curved into a soft smile.

"I would love to."

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