VI. Where are you?

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vi.  where are you?

I SIGH as I descend the stairs. He wasn't there today either. It has been 3 days and I'm already losing hope of him coming again. I try to place where I went wrong that day. I recall the situation again and again but I still can't figure it out. 

"He didn't come?" Esther asks as I wipe my face with a towel. I nod. "Seems like he's jealous."

"As if." I quickly tell. I would even accept a reason as ridiculous as him seeing an alien and freaking to his house, but him being jealous? Yeah, not happening. 

"I doubt it. Brother told me that he was his classmate back in childhood. I doubt the terrace guy wouldn't know that I have a brother."

"But it has been years since him and his brother met. I'm pretty sure he thought that you have a boyfriend."

"How do you know all of these?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Your brother told me." She said, her voice breaking out of nervousness which is so suspicious. 

"I didn't know you had that type of bond with him." 

"Excuse me? No friend ditches her friend to go see a terrace guy who doesn't even have a face!"

"I'm sorry, am I making you lonely, best friend? Aww, cute!" 

I run towards her with open arms and plop near her in the sofa, pulling her to a bone crushing hug. Words of protest leaves her mouth, but she does nothing to push me away. 

"Crazy." My brother shakes his head at us, and takes a sip of water from the kitchen counter. 

"Waste of oxygen." 

My brother spits out his drink and I stare at Esther in shock. Esther Choi is a Korean-Indian. Her father owns a business but had to move in to India, 34 years ago to spread his business and branch it here. She is also the most nicest human being ever. Until, she meets my brother.

"Sorry what?" My brothers asks with his wide eyes, his lips still glistening with water. I scrunch my nose in disgust. Before I can call out to him for it, mum enters and sees the mess.

"5 minutes. If I see a drop of water on the ground, you are done for today."

She leaves and my brother rolls his eyes, but picks up the mop to clean anyways. Esther and I both laugh while brother sends daggers to us both. 

"Maybe you should try going early. I mean like 6:30 pm, when it's going to dark. Well, if that doesn't work out, perhaps try early morning? I mean a guy like him doesn't look like he'll give up on walking." Esther says, hooking an arm through mine. I look down and think about it for a while. I mean, I surely could give it a try, right?

"You're right. He really has a great bod. Would be a loss to him if he stopped walking."

My brother scoffs, keeping away the mop and returning with another glass of water on his hands.

"Why are you doing so much for him? Either way, we don't know who he is. I just guessed it would be my classmate. What would you do if he moved out, and you're crushing over a 50 year old?" 

"Ah, so you're a piece of garbage too, huh?" Esther exclaims, running a hand up and down behind my back to soothe my inner thoughts.

But I wasn't hurt. In fact, I'm not listening to my brother. He spews bullshit every 5 seconds. He spews bullshit when he eats. He spews bullshit when he does projects. He spews bullshit when he does presentations. He spews bullshit when he opens his mouth. His life itself is bullshit. If I listen to all that, I'll be the one in the mental asylum.

"Maybe I should try..." I mumble to myself, not caring if my best friend, and my brother are fighting. I have made up my mind. Tomorrow, I'll try to go early. Normally, according to what I've known, colleges get over by 4 pm. But...

"Do you know what's his college?" I ask my brother, encouraging my best friend to stop arguing by placing my hand on top of hers. You would only lose braincells trying to communicate with my brother.

"I don't know. But his dream college was KNK college."

KNK... Yes. I'll research on what time his college starts, the bus services, and when the college gets over. There is no way I would fail. If Esther is right, he will be exercising tomorrow, but on a different timing.

And I'm determined to find out what timing it is. 


# a . n :  Thoughts are welcome!

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