Break the Cycle

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Beep! Beep! Beep!
Went my blasted alarm. Another start to another normal day. I sighed and rolled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from my tired eyes. I headed downstairs passing the mirror on the way. I took one look of myself and moaned. Trying to untangle a really bad bedhead when your hair is Brown and frizzy and comes down to your ass is not something to look forward to. I put the kettle on and put some bread in the toaster. I looked down at my phone. 6:45. I only had an hour to get ready for work.

I work as a tattoo artist in the tiny shop named IZZYS INK in the even tinier village of Pencaitland. My friend came up with the idea so she set the place up herself. She's called Izzy. I work alongside her and to be honest, it's pretty pitiful what you get paid, although surprisingly we do get a lot of people as are village is near a motorway so all sorts of people pass through!

The toaster pinged and I started dishing out huge amounts of nutella. I swear that stuffs to die for! I sat down with my cup of coffee and began sorting out the designs I came up with. A bleeding rose with a dagger through it, a Phoenix, and some others. I was hoping someone would pick them today.
After I finished I got ready and hurried down the little cobble alleyway to the shop. The sickly sweet smell of roses pinched my nose as the heat of the day was already unbearable.

"Hi Dizzy!" I called as I stepped through the door, making the bell ring. (I always called her that as she's always running around and never stopping, as if she's dizzy)
"Hi Cait, late as usual" she replied. I looked at my watch. Damn it that always happens!
"So sorry. I really do try"
"hmmm. We have a slight problem"
"Why? What is it?" I looked up at her firey eyes behind her glasses which had clearly been broken more than once.
"We've got a girl complaining about a nose infection, ranting about it all being are fault" Dizzy put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows.
"Geez, did she look after it properly?"
"Nope. She went and covered it in makeup just after she got it pierced"
"Oh, I see. Well we'll have to sort that out later. Right now we've got a customer" I pointed to the door and a lumberjack type man walked in. Barney was one of are regular customers. Always finding new places to put new tattoos.
"Hey Barney, what do you want this time?" I asked brushing my tattooed arms as if any of them could interest him. Dizzy had way more than I did, and piercings too. I only had my ears done and spiderbits.
"I was wondering if you had any new designs? I've got space on my right shoulder"
"Oh yes we do!! Come and look at what I've got!" I jumped up and rummaged through my bag.
"Calm down hun" said Dizzy from behind the counter, playing with her far-to-big-for-your-face glasses.
I pulled out my designs and lay them down.
"Oh, I like the Phoenix. I actually had a bird in mind, could I get that" said Barney after a long time of looking at them. I don't think he fully understands that these are for life and that most people have in mind for a while what they want rather than just randomly choosing something on the day.

After giving him the tattoo, aswell as 2 others and piercing someones cartilage, me and one of my other colleagues decided to go outside for a break.
"Will you be ok?" Jason called to Dizzy. That was his name. We also had one other person who worked with us sometimes. Mark who shared days with Jason.
"Yeah sure. We arn't gonna have many more today. It's just too hot! Everyone will have gone to the beach"
So we headed outside.
We sat on the grass on a slight hill under some trees. It was literally a cooker out here.
"Put some music on" I pleaded. Jason got out his phone.
"You want MIW on don't you?" he asked.
"Yeah!! I'm bloody obsessed!" I screamed, just about waking the dead.
"Well Motionless in White it is then" He said rubbing his ears and he hit play. We started headbanging (very unprofessionally), Jason with his short jet black hair, and me with my massive ball of mess. We looked so different we could be from 2 different planets.
"Its so fucking warm I bet it won't rain again in years!" Jason put his hand against his hot forehead.
It only took a matter of minutes before we could feel small drops of rain.
"How is this possible?!?" he looked up to see a few grey clouds slowly turning into bigger black ones.
"You jinxed it! It's all your fault!" I cackled. I wish I had a nice laugh instead of sounding like a banshee.
"Let's head inside. Before we get soaked."
"Nah I'm staying out." I turned to look in front of me at the steep river bank with its sunbaked river and dried flowers.
"Well ok then" and he went back inside. I looked on my phone to see it was 4:20. Where had the day gone?

Infamous meets FamousNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ