Burned At Both Ends

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The smell of toast tickled my nose as I lay awake the next day. Josh must've gotten up already. I looked at a mini alarm clock by the bed to see it was 12:54. Jeez! Was it that time already?

I walked downstairs to see Josh drousily spreading jam on some toast,wearing scruffy clothes to laze about in.
"Hi" I said, making him jump out his skin. He dropped the knife so he had to get a new one.
"Hi, sorry I didn't see you there" he replied. He turned to face me, revealing bags under his eyes.
"My bad. How you feeling?"
"Dead" he offered a plate for me to get some toast. I eyed the counter, seeing some nutella on it. I instantly went over and took some already toasted bread and started putting it on in large quantities.
"Wow, I think that's the most nutella I've ever seen someone have" Josh took a bite out of his own toast.
"I just love it so much" I said, my mouth stuffed with food. I felt greedy doing that but nutella is the sort of thing you just have to have loads of.
"If you don't mind I was planning on just watching TV and being lazy all day" Josh wiped away the crumbs which had gotten everywhere.
"Sure" I said, and we continued eating in silence.

We had been laughing and talking so much, just lounging about on the couch, that we finally decided to watch something.
"Pleeeease can we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas?" I said.
"Even though I've seen it a million times, that's just what I wanted to watch! So we're watching it. But on one condition..... you must promise to sing along with me" Josh got the DVD and put it in.
"Of course! How could anyone not!"
The film started and we sang the first few songs at the top of our lungs, me being Sally in some, Josh being Jack in others. But soon we got to tired.
"It's sorta romantic...." Josh's voice trailed off, falling asleep.
"It is" I replied. A few minutes later I felt a soft head fall gently on my shoulder. Josh had fallen asleep and I could hear his heavy breathing as he leaned into me. Josh was so cute. I continued watching until the end, by which point Josh was lying on my lap. I too then drifted off. It was like the airplane scene all over again. Sleeping all tangled up in one another. Until-

We woke with a start, Josh on top of me. He blinked as he looked around, sleepy dust in his eyes. He rubbed them then smiled when he saw me in front of him. I was just lying there not moving.
"Who could that be?" I whisper.
"Don't know, I'll go see" Josh stood up and went to the door, sorting out his bed head.
He opened it to be greeted by small a postman. "Hello Josh, I've some mail and a parcel for you" the man said grinning from ear to ear. He was well tanned which must be from all the day's he's spent outside, going from house to house. Josh took the bunch of letters and a big box from him.
"Thank you Daniel" Josh seemed to struggle a bit with the parcel. It must be something heavy.
"How's tour?"
"It was very good, lots happening. Did we miss anything when we were away?"
"Nope, still the same old Scranton. Well I gotta go. See you've got yourself a lady" and the man winked at me, making me blush, then he left. Josh put the box on the counter and gave it a puzzled look.
"What could it be?" Josh looked at me as I got up and smoothed out my ruffled clothes.
"No idea" I said coming over to inspect the parcel.
Josh opened it up to reveal a microwave. I instantly burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"It's just all that suspense for nothing!" I giggled. I was hoping it'd be something fabulous. I'd waited since the door rang to see the thing inside come out the box but no. It's only a piece of kitchen equipment.
"Well actually I'm really proud of this. I've waited ages for a new microwave" he patted it and looked at it like it was the best thing in the world.
"Lets try it out" I suggested. He grinned at me.
"That's just what I was thinking!" so we started setting everything up.

"Finally" he puffed. We had spent ages trying to sort the whole thing. I never knew microwaves could be that complicated.
"Yay!" I sighed, exhausted.
"What should we cook?"
"You choose" I said. His house, his rules. He can do what he wants cause I have no idea.
"Emmm... I've got some microwaveable meals?"
"What I live off every day" I replied. I literally havnt eaten anything else half my life.
"Ok then I'll think of something else" he began thinking again.
"No it's fine, honestly. Just do that" I hastily said. I didn't want him to do everything for me. I've never been treated like that before. I don't want to be served.
"No for you.... gorgeous" he adds, making me instantly feel light headed. Me? Gorgeous?!
"Chocolate!" he announced, shooting his arm up.
"YES!" my unhealthy style of living took control of me. I am so fat but I can't help it.
Josh took a whole bar of chocolate out the cupboard and put it in a bowl, after taking it out of its wrapper of course. He put it in, then we waited.
"So, what do you think of my new microwave?" he turned to me smiling.
"I think it's beautiful" I joked.
"Be prepared to find me using it everyday"
"I'm looking forward to th- AAAAGH!!! IT'S ON FIRE!!!" I screeched, pointing to huge flames swallowing the once pristine microwave.
"AAAAGH!!!!" Josh returned. Quickly getting water and pouring it over it.
"WORK FAST!!! COME ON!!!" he yelled. In an instant, after my shock, I was working as hard as I could, moving back and forth from the tap to the fire.
The flames danced inside its metal stomach and slowly died as Josh and I threw mugs of water onto it. For that's all we had nearby.
The smoke from the flames rose and twisted there way up through the air. I was so surprised that happened that I thought I was hallucinating.

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