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I woke up this morning to a whole new feeling. This was gonna be a week I'll never forget! I rushed around spending more time making myself look nice than I usually did. I had to look perfect in front of my idols. The shop was left in ship shape so we decided to get there an hour later.

I sped down the path, are little village looked like a ghost town with all its dead quiet houses, not even a peep being made from them. I'm surprised my village even exists on a map, I mean no one ever does anything here to make us noticed.

I ran into the shop surprisingly to see no one there. I must be the first person here for a change! I went through and turned on a light even though there was no point. Just then I heard voices from round the back. They sounded angry so I went round to see what the problem was.
"Mark! You know we always keep the piercings here! Why did you move them?" Dizzy snatched at one of the many stands containing studs.
"I just thought it looked better over there than in your rotten little corner!" Mark snatched them back, like little children they kept going back and forth for ages. I decided to butt in before things got messy-
"Guys? No one will come round the back anyways so just dump them anywhere" I reached out and took the stand from both of them and placed it with the rest.
"But Motionless in White might just happen to want to see round here!" Mark retorted.
"Who... cares..." I said calmly, not in the mood for this sort of stuff at this time in the morning.
Went the door and all 3 of are heads snapped round. It was just Jason coming in.
"Hey guys, ready to start the day?" he said putting down a bag filled with goodies for later.
"Apart from Dizzy and Marks arguing we're ready" I said smiling, thinking of all the possibilities of the week ahead...

"Hello? Is anyone in?" I heard a voice say which sent shivers down my spine. It was Chris Motionless.
At this point all 4 of us had gone back round to the little room at the back.
"Oh my gosh it's Chris" Dizzy whispered through clenched teeth.
"Someone needs to go through" Jason whispered back.
"I'm dying already" I sniggered.
"Hellz yeah! This is so awesome that Chris is at OUR shop and no one else's!" Mark scream whispered, flapping his arms about like a retarded bird.
"Hellooo?" Chris said again.
"Well he's gonna leave if someone doesn't go through" Jason said. Dizzy dumped her gloves and walked out into the front.
"Oh hi! You must be the Izzy which Josh was telling me about" Chris came over to her looking like a giant being almost twice her size.
"Oh, eh, call me Dizzy." she looked up at him shyly and I could see her cheeks turn bright red.
"Ok then, Dizzy, where are the others? There were 4 of you in total" 4. That meant that I didn't go unnoticed yesterday when Josh came in.
We all cautiously shuffled through probably looking like we thought Chris was gonna eat us.
Mark spoke first; "Hi, I'm Mark!" which made me cringe cause of the way he said it.
"Hi Mark, hi Jason. And I take it you'll be Caitlin then?"
I nodded.
"So I heard you wanted a tattoo? Can we help you in anyway?" Dizzy tried to remain in character bit failed miserably as her voice kept on squeaking an octave higher.
"Yeah actually. I'd like one on my back-"
"Well come this way and we'll get started!! Now what do you want? We have lots of designs, maybe you've got your own ideas, we can personalize stuff and do anything you want!!" Mark grabbed Chris' wrist and pulled him over to a leather chair that looked liked the ones you see at the dentists. Dizzy butted in knowing that around Mark, Chris' fate was pretty bad.
"Ill do it" she said giving Mark a glare before taking an already bewildered Chris away with her.

To be honest it all still seemed like a normal day except you could here Dizzy yapping away with Chris and every time you approached her she'd give you a look as if to say "he's mine" so you knew to keep your distance.
Jason and Mark went outside to talk to the rest while I was left at the desk because someone had to stay there. I felt left out and I hadn't even opened my mouth yet. I so wanted to be with MIW, especially Balz, but it looks like I'm left with the boring job.
"Hey Caitlin, come and talk to us, you've been sitting there for like the past hour" Chris gestured to a seat next to him.
"Ok" I said, my voice sounding croaky. How can I not even say that one stupid word without sounding like a dying frog?
"That's the first time I've heard you speak" said Chris. I started to choke.
We all started laughing even though I couldn't breath. Great start Caitlin. Great start. Now I know why they left me at the desk.
I went over and started to talk as normally as I could. My hands were shaking so much. Dizzy had already turned back to her old self. Lively, chatty, bossy ect. I still didn't really speak but just sat next to Chris. But still, it was frickin awesome!!

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