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Your "love" is just a frail disguise
To hide the pain behind your eyes
In lacerated lullabies
We all fall down
Your "love" is just your alibi
The antidote of your demise
In lacerated lullabies
We all fall down......

"Caitlin? Are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts. I had my earphones in and had just been daydreaming, thinking over the lyrics of Black Damask in my head. "Caitlin? CAITLIN?!" I turned to see Josh shaking my shoulder.
"Yes?" I looked puzzled. He looked so concerned about me.
"Thank goodness! I was talking and you were just totally oblivious to everything" we had been sitting next to each other chatting and I felt guilty for just blanking him off.
"Sorry, I'm just so sleepy" I mumbled, "What was it you were saying?"
"We have decided that you are the perfect part for are new music video, we havnt released the song yet and we only will once the vids done too, so will you come back with us to America to act in it?" the words ran out of his mouth. Had I misheard him? Was I still dreaming? That was one question I thought I'd never hear!
"Your lying" my voice catched, making me sound strangled.
"Am not. We've been looking for a person to act out this part of a girl who is dressed as a demon and needs to go round killing us guys in our sleep. But you see, no ones been right so far, some don't look scary enough, others don't co-operate with us"
"But why choose me when I'm all the way out here? I'm sure there's someone else out there near you" I stumbled over my words, taken aback by the grand offer.
"But no one has the same hair as you, or the same tattoos or as... pretty a face as you... we needed someone who would look.... sexy.....and well I talked to the guys saying we need you...." his voice trailed off and he was clearly embarrassed for saying that to me.
"But I'm not those things! I'm just average, below average in fact, I'm sorry but no, I'll just ruin everything for you-" I stopped abruptly when he reached out his hand and brushed my frizzy hair out of my face.
"Stop being so negative about yourself. I don't think you realize how pretty you really are" my heart skipped a beat as he looked into my hazel eyes. I just stared back looking at his eyes, one silver, one black. His contacts worked so well together.
"What about the others? I'm meant to stay and work with them. Dizzy would be better going than me" I moved back and he reluctantly took his hand away.
"They will have to stay here. It will only be for a little while. So what do ya say?" he pulled puppy eyes at me and whimpered softly, trying to make me say yes.
"I've never been out of Britain before, I don't know what to expect"
"Then it will be an adventure"
I thought about it for a moment, I knew if I turned down this opportunity I'd regret it for ever and I so wanted to go. "Yes, yes I'll come" I smiled and already the excitement was started bubbling inside of me.
"That's fantastic!! Wait here while I go tell the others!" and he sped off round the corner. I sighed and lay back, looking up at the cloudless sky, trying to take in all he said.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck" I turned round to see Mark with a face that looked at me like I'd grown an extra head.
"What. The. Actual. Fuck!" he said again.
"You evesdropped you little-"
"Caitlin, this is so cool! You get to go away to America with Motionless in White! America with Motionless in White!!" he repeated for good measure.
"I know I know I'm soooooo happy!!" I clapped my hands together like a child.
"Josh totally chose you cause he likes you, you little bitch! Why do you get all the fun?" he slapped me on the back as he sat down beside me.
"He totally does not" I laughed.
"Does too, I can see it in his eyes, and you like him back"
"Stop it, he doesn't!"
"Well why else would he want you? I mean to be honest you aren't good looking and can't do anything to save yourself, so why would he want a frizzy haired mammoth looking person like you? I bet it's for the sex" he joked.
"Excuse me?" I pretended to sound offended and slapped him back.
"Ooooh, Caits getting angry. Why don't you slap Josh instead? I'm sure he'll like that-" I picked up my bag and started hitting the crap out of him.
"Woah, calm down" he laughed taking it off me and throwing it away. I couldn't help laughing.
"I've told the guys about- hey? What's going on?" Josh arrived back.
"Caitlin was just saying how you-" I threw my hand across his mouth, mufflung his cries. We would always play fight ever since we were 3. It's become our tradition. Josh couldn't help laughing.
"Grab her arms, I'll get her legs!" Mark signalled to Josh, he obeyed and picked me up under his arms and lifted me up. He was strong so lifted me with ease while Mark picked me up with difficulty for he had scrawny, weak arms.
I screamed murder and wriggled and kicked trying to break free, but there was no hope.
"I've got you now!" Josh roared running down the bank to the river.
"Put me doooown!!!" I howled as I was brought to the racing waters edge.
"Not today!" and Josh and Mark threw me in. I flew in the air before crashing down with a tremendous SPLASH!!!! The cold water lapped over me as I plummeted down. I closed my eyes and tried to push myself off the sandy bed. I stumbled and slid under the current but just managed to grab onto a rock and pull myself up.
"You bastards, how dare you!! I could have died!" my soaking wet hair dripped over my face and all my cloths sagged down with the weight of the water.
I was just laughed at, and then was laughed at even more when I tried to pull Josh into the river aswell. He just stood there like a brick, unmoveable.
"You can't get meee" he chanted with me tugging with all my might at his arm. I was in front of him and knew that if he went in the river I would too.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!" We heard a scream loud enough to burst our ear drums and looked up to see Chris charging down the hill towards us. He came down so fast we had no time to move. In a split second Chris rammed into Josh sending him flying on top of me, which sent both of us belly flopping into the deep pool, one on top of the other. Chris skillfully managed to just stop himself from falling in aswell.
Josh was on top of me and was trying to pull me up. We could hear Mark and Chris rolling about the ground roaring with laughter. We clung on to some rocks nearby trying not to float away downstream. Josh had his arm tightly round my waist.
"I'm not gonna drown you know" I said.
"I'm just making sure" he said still gripping onto me like some overprotective parent.
"Aaaw" I said, finding what he said cute and trying to swim out.
He held his ground. I was a limp little cloth compared to him and his strength. We then got out and went to dry off, laughing the whole way.

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