Chapter 1 (Prologue): Princess in Distress

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Once upon a time... 

Their once lived a young princess named SMG3. He was a kind and gentle soul to those all around him, which made him loved by all of his animal companions. His soldiers and townsfolk? Not so much... 
As time went by, SMG3 slowly began to show his true colors, growing more selfish and demanding, which caused a flurry of hatred to spread like a wildfire around the kingdom. Word had spread out quickly, and before SMG3 knew it... he was already standing outside of his castle with a worn-out carboard box in his arms. 

  "YOU CAN'T JUST KICK ME OUT!" SMG3 shouted, a scowl on his face. "This is my castle! My kingdom!" 
  "Once your castle, once your kingdom," The guard corrected. "Not anymore." 
SMG3 hissed. "And what right do you have to tell me what's mine and what isn't!" 
Before SMG3 could get another word out, the gates had already slammed shut in his face. SMG3 snorted. "If that's how they treat a lady around here, I shouldn't of ruled for them at all. Those cocksuckers." 
Angry yet reluctant, SMG3 slowly turned to walk the opposite direction.
The direction of where the spooky and sinister forest laid ahead. 

As SMG3 stalked angrily through the woods, some of his animal friends had noticed their beloved princess, and peeked out of their hiding places, approaching the infuriated princess with concern and worry. 
SMG3 though, had shown no sympathy or tenderness for his creature friends, and stalked ahead, ignoring their comfort with a grunt. 
Until one of the animals had finally stepped up and stopped the princess from storming off any further, stepping in front of him with the lash of his tail.

   "MARIO!" SMG3 stepped forwards but the deer didn't move nor flinch. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"
Mario narrowed his eyes. "And why should I?" 
SMG3 hesitated. "BECAUSE... because..." Soon enough, SMG3's anger had subsided and shifted to a wave of sadness. "Oh it's horrible Mario! Just horrible!" The princess wrapped his arms around the animal's neck and whimpered. "I've just been exiled! From my OWN KINGDOM!" With a sniffle, he finished off. "What ever shall I do?" 
  "I mean, you were kind of a douche bag." 
Offended, SMG3 objected. "I AM NOT A DOUCHE BAG!" With a wave of his hand, he corrected. "I'm a pretty, pretty princess." 
Mario furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh huh. Sure." 
   "Oh Mario, this is horrible!" As if ignoring Mario's insulting reply, SMG3 fell to the ground with a thud. "Now I have nowhere to go!" 
   "You can stay with us!" Mario suggested. "We all love you. Most of us anyway.
   "Ew!" SMG3 let out a snort of disgust. "Stay out here in the disgusting... creepy outdoors? I'd rather make out with a toad!" 
Beside SMG3, was a frog, who puckered his lips. 
   "Not literally!" 
The frog drooped his head and hopped away sadly. 
With an emotional scoff, SMG3 began to bawl, pulling himself up on top of a tree stump. "I'm doomed! Doomed! I'm going to rot out here if I stay here any longer." 
Mario opened his jaw to speak, but no words came out. 
   "Ohhh just horrible!" As SMG3 let out a loud wail and ugly cried, more of his animal friends began to approach him, one of them licking his cheek. 
SMG3 lifted his head groggily when he felt the moist slobber against his skin. "Thank you, Eggdog." He sniffled and wiped his nose with his glove. "But not even your kisses can make me feel better this time. My life is over!" 
Bowing his head in defeat, SMG3 sat up. "I'm sorry my friends. But I must go. I cannot stay here with you any longer. I must head out... to god knows where." With a gulp, SMG3 reluctantly began to approach the dark and gloomy part of the forest.
Before the animals were out of his sight, SMG3 turned back and waved at them a farewell before finally striding into the dark forest alone. 

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