Chapter 8: Homesick

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"Maybe try looking in his pocket the next time you see him."
Mr Puzzles grinned. "I guarantee you that you will not like what you'll see."

It was night time.
The moon casted a glow onto the clouds below, making them sparkle like stars.
It was such a lovely night; the stars were out, and the moon was at it's brightest.
Their was a chill that hung in the air, but it wasn't too cold. Just enough to give somebody goosebumps.
It was also extremely quiet. Their was nothing around them that could make any noise. No trees rustling, no living creatures howling, nothing.
Just dead silence.
"And why should I listen to what you have to say?"
Mr Puzzles was about to reply, but he was interrupted.
"And how did I even get here? The last thing I remember is playing hide and seek with the princess..." He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"You are right to question these things, and I know that the princess means a lot to you, but you're gonna have to take my word for it."
"And what if I don't?"
Mr Puzzles bowed his head. "Then you'll die."


SMG3 was lying in front of a gigantic fireplace. It was shielded with a barrier of glass, so their was no chance of him catching fire.
It was nice and warm, and SMG3 found it comforting. It reminded him of his castle.
God, the people are assholes, but I'm really starting to miss that place...
I even miss my animal friends. I even miss Mario of all people! Er... of all things.
Tossing and turning, SMG3 let out a small whimper. What if we never get back home? What if Mr Puzzles makes us stay here forever? With that giant...
SMG3 shook his head. I would just love to abandon him and that over-sized traitor, but every time I try, something goes wrong or my mind just goes completely blank.
Giving up his attempts on sleeping, SMG3 staggered up to his feet. Maybe going for a walk will clear my mind...
As SMG3 got up and walked down the halls, anxiety slowly began to bubble inside him. Where the hell is that giant?
Him and SMG4 had been playing hide and seek the day before. When it was the giant's turn to hide, he had suddenly disappeared and SMG3 hadn't managed to find him. Who he did manage to find though, was his acquaintance, Mr Puzzles, who had ditched them both previously because he wanted to 'get away from the giant.' SMG3 found that excuse a little hard to believe, but he shrugged it off. There's no sense in over thinking things right now. Things are already bad enough.
But as soon as he thought that, a horrible realization hit him harder than a heavy blow to the abdomen;
Did Mr Puzzles have something to do with the giant's disappearance?

It was quite a strange coincidence, because Mr Puzzles did reappear almost the exact same time that the giant went missing...

SMG3 blinked and shook his head violently.

'No-! SMG3 stop! That's completely absurd! He couldn't possibly take on the giant alone! And come out alive!'

'But what if he managed to kill him...'

'Shut up you dumb ass! The idiot's fine. Why do you even care? That brute betrayed you!'

'Did he though...?'

"Argh!" Grabbing his head, SMG3 caterwauled. "It's no use! I'm never getting home, and I'm never going to find that stupid giant!" Kicking the ground beneath him, SMG3 plopped down onto the ground and covered his face with his hands.
What if Mr Puzzles was telling the truth...? What if the giant really was just a traitor? Why was I even worried about the idiot? He lied to me! Shouldn't I be happy that he's gone?
I should feel better... but if anything, I only feel worse.
Plus... if the giant really was only trying to trick me, why was he even doing it? What motive did he have?
What does he even want from me? I'm practically useless!
I'm nothing more than a poor street boy now. I have no money. No home.
I have nothing left to offer!
All I really have left is...

📺PUZZLEVISION PRESENTS: Once Upon an SMG4: SMG3 and The Tall Tale of Macro FourOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant