A hunt for Mimic

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Restoration HQ...

Whisper: Mimic... he was once a fierce and clever warrior...

Y/N: Our friend...

Whisper: But greed meant more to him than friends. But we've been hunting each other ever since. 

Y/N: And now he's here, disguised, to finish the job. WE WON'T LET HIM.

Y/N, Whisper and Silver were laying down in some bushes in Restoration HQ watching Duo as he leans on a rail. Whisper is scoped in on him.

Whisper: One mistake and he's done. 

Silver: But Whisper we've been following him all day and he hasn't done anything creepy. 

Y/N: Shh. Be patient.

Silver: But nothing is happening! When I saw his eyes change color, he was in danger... If I give him a little spook...

Whisper: Don't hurt him, we need proof before we strike. 

Silver's finger glows with his telekinetic aura.

Silver: DON'T WORRY, I'll catch him.

The same aura goes over Duo's foot and hoists him over the railing. 

Duo: AHH!

His foot grabs the railing just before he falls then his foot slips off, but Lanolin comes out of nowhere and grabs his foot last minute and pulls him back up. 

Duo: Th-Thank you... 

Lanolin looks at Silvers obviously sticking out quills.

Lanolin: Alright that's enough! Come on out Silver!

Lanolin's wisp named Maggie grabs one of his quills and tries to pull him up, Silver stands up as Y/N and Whisper stay down.

Silver: Ow! Okay okay! I'm coming! 

Silver, Lanolin and Duo begin walking toward each other.

Lanolin: I've been watching you sneak around all morning... remind you never to take you on a stealth mission. What are you even trying to do? 

Whisper and Y/N stand out of the brush.


Lanolin: Whisper, Y/N, explain yourselves.

Silver: They don't have too. Duo is lying about who he is. THATS MIMIC!

Duo steps back a little nervous. Y/N reaches for their Wispon. 

Lanolin: The shapeshifter? Thats a big accusation. Do you have any proof?

Y/N: We will soon. 

Whisper: We know what we're talking about. Mimic has tells. If we can get him to slip--.

Lanolin: So, you decided to HARRAS A TEAMMATE?

Y/N tries to push past Lanolin to get to Duo.


Lanolin quickly steps in front of Y/N, her eyes flashing with anger as she pushes them forcefully to the ground. Y/N hits the dirt hard, their injured arm throbbing with pain as they grit their teeth and push themselves back up to their feet. Lanolin stands tall a fierce protectiveness as she glares at Y/N.

Lanolin: I will not stand for accusations and violence within our team. This is not the way we handle things here.

Y/N's muscles tense as they meet Lanolin's gaze, a defiant spark in their eyes despite the pain radiating through their body. They reach for their Wispon, determination flickering in their eyes as they prepare to confront Duo once more.

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