Chapter 2

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Mei was one of the first participants to arrive in the dingy underground corridor.

Promptly nestling herself against the stone walls, she observed her surroundings.

Scanning the competitors, she realized that many of the examinees lacked Nen.

'I wonder how they will fare...' She pondered.

Continuing her appraisal, Mei's eyes wandered.

Resting her shoulders further into the wall, she relaxed, 'Maybe this won't be as hard as I anticipated.'

As time passed, Mei's mind began to wander. Using her shoes to trace miscellaneous shapes into the dusty floor, she waited for the exam to begin.

"Hey there! You look like you could use a drink!"

The exclamation startled Mei from her monotonous tracings.

"Eh?" She spoke with a confused glance at the man before her.

"Here! Try one of these," The pudgy man spoke.

Glancing at the beverage held before her, Mei offered a soft shake of her head.

"Oh, no thank you," She spoke.

"Come on, they're delicious," The man prompted as he rattled the can. "I'll even drink one if you're worried about them being poisoned or something silly!"

Shifting slightly, Mei shuffled away from the wall and began to make her way past the man.

"I'm fine. Thank you though."

Grabbing her arm in a persistent gesture, the man continued, "Ah- I forgot to introduce myself, right? Can't take a drink from a stranger! I'm Tonpa."

"I said no thank you."

As Mei spoke with her back to the man, there was a tangible change in the atmosphere.

With a flutter of wind, Tonpa found his cans and bag scattered on the ground.

"What the-"

Releasing Mei's arm, he scurried to collect his possessions.

Glancing over her shoulder, Mei spoke, "And Tonpa..."

"Huh?" He looked up at her.

"Don't touch me without permission again."

With that, Mei melted into the crowd to find a new spot to reside.

'Wonderful, now I have an audience,' Mei thought with disdain.

Feigning ignorance to the glances her fellow examinees were sending her way, she paused in a relatively low-traffic area of the tunnel.

'This will have to do,' she thought.

Pivoting to place her back near the wall, she took in those around her.

'The examinees are definitely... unique,' Mei thought as she observed the nearby Man with a monkey perched on his shoulder.

Sighing, Mei closed her eyes for a brief moment and began to move further into the crowded tunnel.

'How much longer must we wai-'

Her thoughts were cut off as she abruptly collided with a solid object.


Stumbling back, Mei peeled her eyes open.

A mass of green and gold greeted her.

'Oh...' Mei thought as her eyes trailed up the body before her, 'Definitely not a wall.'

Broad shoulders clad in a puffed green jacket filled her vision.

'Are those... pins?' Mei wondered as she unconsciously leaned forward to inspect the shining objects.

An odd ticking sound caused her to pause.

Suddenly, Mei felt herself rocket backward.

Strong arms encircled her shoulders as she found herself slingshotted into a chest.

"Mei dear, how lovely it is to see you," A playful voice cooed.

Relaxing her previously tense body, Mei tilted her head to see the man over her shoulder.

"Hisoka?" She questioned, "I... did not know you were here."

"Ahh you know how I loooove surprises," Hisoka hummed with a smirk.

Lightly pressing at the forearms wrapped around her, Mei made to stand on her own.

Furrowing her brow, she looked down at the tightening arms. Glancing once again at the man behind her, she was greeted with an almost teasing smile.

"Hisoka, let me go," Mei spoke while giving another soft push.

"I see you met my friend, Gittarackur."

"Huh?" Looking up, Mei peered at Hisoka with confusion.

Only, Hisoka's eyes were not focused on her. Instead, they were locked on something in front of her.

Turning, Mei once again found herself examining the man in green.

'How had I missed that purple mohawk?' Mei internally questioned.

Allowing her eyes to roam, Mei finally noted the man's stance.

'Why is he...' Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her.

The man was posed to strike.

Discreetly shuffling the pins he held, Gittarackur had obviously been preparing to attack something.

That something being her.

"He's not the most social butterfly," Hisoka taunted behind her.

Leaning back, Mei found herself seeking comfort in Hisoka. He may be a fight-crazed magician, but he was a fight-crazed magician she could handle.

Placing his chin on her shoulder, Hisoka chuckled, "Don't be so tense Mei."

With a nuzzle to her shoulder his sharp gold eyes locked with Gittarackur, "He would never hurt what's mine."

Like a flip had been switched, the pins disappeared from Gittarackur's hands. With one turn, the man disappeared into the crowd.

A harsh shove to the back sent Mei stumbling forward.

"Do be sure to watch where you're walking Mei," Hisoka chuckled as he sauntered off.


How are you guys liking the story so far? :)

I am not associated with & do not own Hunter x Hunter or any of it's characters/plots etc. My character is Mei.

Entangled - Illumi Zoldyck FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now