First Ride

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When Dodger opened the door to his apartment, he heard one of his favorite voices call him by his new favorite name.

Starflare:(excited) Daddy's home!

Kneeling with open arms, Dodger smiled as his daughter ran into his arms and hugged him.  Planting a kiss on his daughter's forehelm, Dodger scooped up Starflare and walked her over to the living room.

Dodger: Hey Star, how was school today?

Starflare: I learned how to play an Earth game called "Candyland."  I painted an Earth squirrel in Art class.  And we're going on a field trip to the Iacon Science Museum.

Dodger: That sounds fun.  But do you have a permission slip for me to sign?

Starflare: Mommy already did for me.

Dodger: Thats good.  Whens the trip?

He got the answer when his sparkmate came in.

Roadflare: Next Wednesday.

Then Roadflare came over and Dodger kissed her on the lips.

Roadflare: How was your day?

Starflare:(excited) Yeah!  What about you Daddy?!  Tell us, C'mon!  C'mon!

Roadflare:(chuckles) Settle down sweetie.

Dodger: Well Star, Daddy had to chase some bad guys.

Starflare: Did you stop them?

Dodger: Mm-Hmm. (To Roadflare) What about you babe?

Roadflare: Well, that kid who hurt is ankle is coming along nicely with physical therapy.  Pretty soon, he'll be trying solar surfing again.

Starflare: What's Solar surfing?

Dodger: Well sweetie, you ride a big board, and I you ride along solar flares from stars.

Starflare: Can I try it?

Roadflare:(Smiles, Dodger smiles as well) Maybe someday sweetie.

Although Starflare smiled excitedly, her parents were quick to notice that she had a liitle too much fun in Art class.

Dodger:(laughs) Starflare, you're covered in paint.  I think we need to give you an oil bath.

Starflare: Aww, but Dad-

Dodger: -No buts.  You're all dirty and you need to be clean.

Starflare:(sigh) OK...

Dodger set his daughter down and Roadflare led her into the master oil bathroom.  While Dodger got dinner started, Roadflare turned on the oil bath.  Once the oil was nice and warm, she added shampoo and helped Starflare into the tub.  Starflare didn't always enjoy bathtime, but she didn't hate it.  The Cybertronian-sized bath toys kept her occupied while Roadflare scrubbed her gently with a bath sponge.

After a few minutes, Starflare came out of the tub polished, lubricated and refreshed.  Once Roadflare was done drying her off, Starflare was sparkling clean.

Starflare: Can I go watch Hot Wheels now?

Roadflare:(smiles) Sure. (Slightly stern) But you pause when it's time for dinner, OK?

Starflare: OK.

Roadflare: Thats my girl.  Now, run along.

When Starflare left the bathroom, Roadflare wiped herself off with an extra towel.  Starflare splashed her a few times during bathtime.  By the time she came into the living area, Starflare was getting ready to watch Hot Wheels: World Race on the TV.  Meanwhile, Dodger was preparing Metalpork stew.  Roadflare came over as her sparkmate was chopping the carbon carrots.

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