Hailey's pov:

"Hi Jake!" I called to a black car on my driveway.

"Hey princess!" Jake called back, motioning for me to sit in the seat next to him.

"Bye mom!" I yelled to Shannon, which in sophomore year started to call mom.

"Thanks again Jake!" I said. "I don't have a car yet... heh!"

"Hey, it's ok! Plus, I would never miss a chance to be with you" Jake smiled, as he drove off.

As I sat there in silence I had a flashback to the first day of junior year, when I had first met Jake at the park. Except, now, Jake and I have been together for about 2 years! Ah the memories...


When we finally arrived at school, where Luke, Milly, Zander, Daisy, and Sean all sat normally, were strangers instead.

"I guess they're not here yet?" Jake said, as if he read my mind, looking concerned just like me.

"Yeah...guess so" I replied. I started to walk to the school entrance wondering what could have happened to my friends. I was so focused, that I didn't notice Jake behind me, and a boy in front of me.

"AGH!" I screeched as I accidentally crashed into him on my speed walk towards first period.

"Hey! Watch where you're going blueberry!" He said.

"I'm so sorry I- .... what?" I stopped. I swear I'd heard that nick name before... but when I looked back at Jake, he just stood there. He looked shocked but, happy too? I couldn't understand what was happening until he said,

"Heh, long time no see Jakey!" He smirked at a frozen Jake behind me.

"M-max?!" He asked, a smile soon covering his face after realizing who it was.

"Max...max... where have I heard that before?" I thought, while Jake and max were talking and hugging each other. "Wait...wait-it's max? From 5TH GRADE? What's he doing here?! I thought he moved!"

"Max!" I turned around. "I thought you moved!"

"Heh! well yeah, but my dad had a job offer here so...I'm back!" He smiled. " I know you ALL missed me!"

"Oh my god!!! I DID miss you!" I smiled.

"Hey is everyone else still here?" Max asked, referring everyone else to Aiden, Sam, Connor, and Jacob.

"Well no..." Jake said,  smile vanishing. "Everyone moved away... I mean, Aiden's still here but we don't like him anymore..."

"Oh...ok!" Max said.

"Wait what's your first period?" I asked.

"Language Arts" Max stated.

"Us too!" Jake exclaimed, grinning ear to ear.

I couldn't believe it! One of my old friends had came back! Maybe he could join the music club! But I'd decide that I'd ask Max that question during first period. If I make it anyway! I was going to be late if I stood there any longer. So, I rushed to the doors of the Language Arts room and took a seat in the closest chair I could find.

Of course, Jake sat next to me, and Max sat next to Jake. Just as I slammed my butt onto the seat, the bell rang.

"Whew! I'm- I made it!" I thought, huffing and puffing. "Thank god I wasn't late on the first day of school!"

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from Jake. When I looked, Max and Jake were talking and laughing their butts off. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous... but I shrugged it off as I knew how much of a good friend Max was to Jake.

"They must be catching up. I'll get Jake back soon" I reassured myself in my head.

The lesson began and Max and Jake instantly stopped talking. Instead, they were sending each other notes, and silent laughing. I mean, at least they knew how to dodge trouble...

The day went on and Max and Jake kept talking and laughing. I couldn't get a single word in! It felt like Daisy all over again... and I couldn't help but notice that Max was flirting a bit with Jake... I'm sure it was a joke...

I mean, guys flirt with their friends all the time, right? Maybe I was being to over dramatic... but either way, I let it slide.

I wouldn't put up with Max for much longer though. Because in 5th period I was minding my own business when I overheard this,

"Hey Jake! Want to hang out at my place after school today?" I overheard Max ask Jake. "You know, to catch up!"

"Yeah! I'm down!" Jake replied.

"But Jake... we were supposed to go to the bubble tea shop today, remember?" I butted in.

"Oh yeah...Max I-" Jake started to say. 

"Hey! He's my best friend! Can't we just hang out for a bit?" Max said, a bit defensive.

"And he's MY boyfriend!" I snapped back.

"Hey! It's ok! Hailey, we can go to the boba shop tomorrow if you'd like because Max has basketball practice tomorrow, and he wouldn't be able to go..." Jake suggested, sincerity in his eyes.

"F-fine." I muttered, mad that Jake would pick Max over me. " I get it... I guess."

"Thanks Hailey!" Jake smiled and gave me a small kiss.

" I guess I'm taking the bus home..." I thought. " I need to text mom."


I'm lying in bed reading a book when I get this random thought.

"Does Jake like Max over me?"

"No!" I scolded my brain. "Why would he do that?"

"Because Max is his best friend!  And Who wouldn't want to date a tall, cute redhead? After all you were Jake's best friend too and look how you're doing..." my brain answered.

"Well, you have a point... but Jake would never do that to me! I get it! He wants to catch up with his childhood friend! I'd love to reconnect with all mine!" I said.

Shrugging off the negative thoughts, I continued reading my book. But of course, those statements kept popping up everywhere. Soon, I found myself jealous of Max even though I'd just met him!

Instead, I did hang out with Zander and Luke instead of Jake that day, but I did feel left out sometimes. It's just not the same without him.

I lay my head on my pillow, trying to sleep and get these thoughts out of my head.

Practice starts tomorrow, and I don't think I'm inviting Max anymore.

Hello!! I hope you liked this chapter!! Don't worry the juicy stuff is coming soon! I'm so sorry these chapters are so short! I'm trying to make them long but I actually didn't know what to do for this chapter lol. 

bye!!! 👋 

Highschool Love: A Jailey AUWhere stories live. Discover now