The Kiss

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Hailey's pov:

TW: a bit of fighting

"Daisy! Hiiii!!" I yelled to my white-haired best friend across the room. She looked at me, and then smiled and waved.

"Hail's! How's it going?" Daisy asked once I finally caught up to her, putting her phone in her pocket.

"I'm ok! I guess...I've been thinking" I said as we started to walk. "Do you think I need to confront max? know"

Daisy tilted her head, thinking for a bit before finally looking at me and saying "I don't really know what to do... I guess, if it's really bothering you, you should talk to him! I'm sure he'll understand.!"

"You think so?" I asked, Daisy nodded and smiled at me. "Well... then maybe...I could talk to him right now?"

"That sounds great! I'm rooting for you! see you in second period!" Daisy said before walking away.

"This is awesome. I get to talk to max... I hate Max" I thought.

It had only been 4 days since me and Jake's date, and I already was missing him!, MOSTLY because of stupid max. everywhere I saw Jake, Max was there up and close with him. it was infuriating! at least I would get to talk some sense into that train wreck of a guy.

I stormed down the hallway, now a but agitated from the reminder of Max, and tried to find out where he went. Jake had told me through text that Max usually hung out in classroom 220 A before school.

that was the English class, and someplace I never went too that much. as I walked, I counted the room numbers.

"216, 217, 218, 219...220!" I mumbled until I found the classroom I was looking for. "Finally! wait... I can hear Max talking! perfect."

I opened the door.

my jaw dropped.

"JAKE! MAX?" I yelled.

what I saw... horrified me.

Jake was pinned up against the wall, blushing like crazy as Max... he-he was freaking KISSING HIM! 

"HEY- MA- HMF-- STOP!" Jake tried to scream but was being muffled my Max's lips. he had his eyes closed, so he didn't see me. "IM- IM DATING- HAILE- WHAT THE- HEC- IS- IS WRONG- WITH YOU?!"

Max finally pulled away, turned around, and saw me. He stopped moving, and just stood there. Jake followed Max's sight and saw me. he also was stunned.

I...I...I didn't know what to do. I had just seen my boyfriend of two years KISS a guy I knew was suspicious all along!


"I-I... I'm not even mad at you Jake." I said. He slid down to the floor, breathing heavily and an arm over his mouth. "But you...YOU..."

I was furious. it took all the power in me to stop myself from launching at this red headed bafoon.

"Max. What are you doing to my boyfriend." I said in a tone that would pierce the hearts of others.

"I-I... I uh...I CAN EXPLAIN!" Max started to say.

"No. NO YOU CANNOT. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT YOU DID." I yelled, slowly walking towards them.

"Hailey!" Jake said, getting up off the floor. "I'm so sorry! are- are you ok and-"

"Jake." I said, still staring at Max. Jake looked traumatized, while Max stared blankly at the floor. wide eyed. "Let me teach him a lesson." (YESS GURL POP OFF😍)

Highschool Love: A Jailey AUWhere stories live. Discover now