The Kiss (Jake edition)

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Jake's pov:

"I need to talk to max today and tell him that I would like more time with Hailey. Yeah...I've been holding it off for so long... Hailey must feel horrible!" I thought as I was walking down the hallway. "Only...20 minutes unit school starts...I could probably find max where he usually is"

The classroom 220, and English class, was where max usually hung out with his other friends before school. Everyone knew, even Hailey did. So, I they all deliberately avoided that class. Yeah... I didn't think people liked max that much. I even noticed that people started approaching me less, only when I was with Max though.

I can admit, when max took me away from what I was doing and clinging on to me like a toddler, was getting annoying...maybe even out of hand. So that's why I needed to speak up.

As I arrived at the room I could spot Max's friends, but not max...

"Hey! Do you know where max is?" I asked one of them.

 "No idea Jake, I think I saw him in the hallway just outside though." The boy with split hair colors and looked rather...intimidating.

"Oh, thanks! I need to talk to him" I smiled. But just before I made it out of the classroom, they yelled,


"Huh?" I said, turning around. They just looked at each other, smirked, and said,

"Good luck Jakey, you're gonna need it."

"Um...thanks?" I mumbled, walking out in a rush. I suddenly didn't want to find Max anymore... what did they mean? Well, I couldn't stop now... I needed to tell Max TODAY...

I guess I was worrying too much, because I accidentally bumped into someone. Max.

"Hey Jakey!" He smirked.

"Hi!" I said, plastering in a fake smile. 

"I need to tell you something" Max said... and I could have sworn his face got dark...

"Uh...sure?" I asked, a little worried, the thought of Max's friends telling me good luck popping into my head again. "Oh! I have to tell you something too!"

"Great! let's go to 220 again!" Max said and started walking away. he was acting off today...


"So! what did you want to tell me?" I asked, sitting down on a nearby chair.

"Stand up" Max replied.

"What has happened to Max? usually, he was cheerful, and cocky...but now... he's...different..." I thought. but against my better judgement, I stood up.

Suddenly Max pinned me against the wall. I was in utter shock. Max wouldn't do a thing to me! right?

"Hey- Max! what's happening-" I started to say but I got cut off.

He kissed me.

"OMG MAX! MAX! MAX? WHY IS MAX KISSING ME?!??!" I thought. eventually I got my senses back, and started to say


Max didn't listen. I tried punching him, and squirming away, my lips clenched shut. I didn't know what to do...

"Hailey's going to hate me..."

"JAKE? MAX?" I heard a voice from Infront of me. I opened my eyes to see... HAILEY??!??! OH CRAP SHE GOING TO KILL ME!"

Once Max had heard Hailey, and turned around, it was too late. With Max out the way, I could clearly see the rage on Hailey's face. I had never seen her so mad...

By now I was on the floor from trying to escape earlier, so I stood up and quickly ran to Hailey.

"Haliey!" I said, as she was walking slowly towards Max. " I'm so sorry! are-are you ok and-"

"Jake." Haliey said sweetly, she was smiling but her eyes looked dead. soulless even. I hated seeing her like that. I wish I could've intervened, but I knew Hailey. whenever she's mad, she needs time.

I walked and sat at that same seat I sat in a few minutes ago. I felt horrible. the taste of Max on my mouth made me gag. I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash my mouth of Max cooties.

"You can't be mad! I LOVE Jake!" I heard Max say just before I entered the room, quietly I moved and peeped through the window. "I ALWAYS HAVE! HE WAS MY CHILDHOOD CRUSH!"

My eyes widened. Childhood crush? but...but I thought Max always liked this popular girl names Lia in elementary school... that's what he told me... I was so shocked. I had just wished that Max drunk a little too much juice and-...and...

I saw Hailey loosen up a bit... she must feel sorry for Max... I sighed and kept listening.

"But even though you ARE his don't love him as I do."

"No way he just said that... wait... now that I think of it... she HAS never told me she loved me... I love her so much; does she feel the same?" I thought. I quickly shook that thought out of my head. "No, I can't doubt her... she's always been shy... how am I supposed to know how she feels..."


I looked up.

Oh no.

Hailey stood with an open hand, and Max stood still, a red mark on his cheek.


I ran as fast as I could to Hailey and said,


But she didn't respond.

I stood there, shocked. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what Hailey was thinking... I didn't know anything! I should have just said no to Max in the first place. I should have just told him right then and there. especially after what his friends had to say.

"Hey what's going on in here? Class is almost starting..." I heard someone say. while Hailey didn't move, I turned my head to see Milly standing at the doorway.

I ran to her and said,


"H-Hailey? Jake? MAX?" She yelled, dragging me along with her.

(the rest plays out)

"Hi Jake!" My mom yelled to me as I opened the front door.

"Hi Mom! I have so much... h-home work! yeah... UM BYE!" I said, running upstairs before she could ask any more questions.

"Oh god... I'm sorry mom" I mumbled. "I don't feel like talking to people right now."

I finally had arrived home from that rollercoaster of emotions day. I was tired and needed some sleep. but before going to bed, I made a plan.

tomorrow I need to do something. talk to Max... talk to Hailey.

Highschool Love: A Jailey AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant