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"Raghav how do you look so dashing all the time? You know that I used to imagine you as my prince when I used to play that ........"  I drown Mahira out in the background as I take in my surroundings. Mahira was always sort of clingy and I just realised that there is no difference between the way others try to get on my good side by appreciating me and the way she is always commenting on how good looking and smart I am.

The only difference is her tone. The way she speaks is very naturally light and playful. Somehow all this is the last thing on my mind, I am more interested in the slim blue coloured figure standing atleast 10 metres away from me, talking to her sister.

But today she was not the Revati I have seen till now.

Unlike last time, when she openly showed her distrust and distaste for our parties and bragging, today she seems polite. She even smiled at me. But that smile made something inside me grow cold.

Her smile was fake.

More of a taunt to me than anything else. She is wearing the dress sent by my family and walking and talking exactly the way they want. Smiling at everyone including me and listening to their back-handed taunts silently. She seems like a robot, like any other girl here.

And I'll be lying if I say that it isn't bothering me.

Apart from me there are two other people who have noticed the change in Revati's demeanor. Akshaj and Dadi.

I am not really happy about Akshaj's vague interest in Revati. He does not really sleep with just any girl, nor has he openly shown interest towards any. Truth being said, I have never ever seen him talk to a female except his ex wife who was killed in an accident. Or that's what they say.

I'm not sure why my dadi seems so intrigued though. She was not pleased with Revati gracefully ignoring her throughout the event. But by now no one in my family is pleased with her. Everyone is low key worried about my future wife because she does not seem as innocent or as oversmart they thought she would be, and her already making this much money is another problem.

The Advanis' were convinced that they could decide the amount of money she would take and leave because according to Mahendra Advani, poor people do not care about status but only about money and can  be bought with a small amount.

However, Revati seems even more diligent and challenging then they could've imagined.

I was doubtful before but now I'm convinced that my dadi kind of likes Revati. She never openly appreciated my mother because she did not think highly of the woman who are not educated or independent.

Gautami Advani is the president of the woman's club and has brought many woman the well deserved justice. Somehow working for poor and incapable women made her dislike for such woman grow even more. She always felt that these women were only going through such humiliation and disgrace because their dreams ended at getting married and having kids; even after they were offered jobs, the prefer staying at home and taking care of the children. But according to her, they don't even do that properly as most of the children from slums grow up to be criminals and have whatsoever no knowledge or skills. She always told me
' Being Illiterate does not mean having no degree or accomplishments, it means that the mindset of the person is filled with illogical stuff that leads to the destruction of the society and no motivation to do better '.

Revati is not like any of these women and my dadi knows that. Inspite of what happened and what her future held for her she still decided to be independent and always stands up for herself.

"Raghav... Are you listening?"  Mahira's voice pulls me out of my reverie as I frantically look around to see my mother approaching me.

"Beta go and sit in the middle, guests will take pictures with the couple."  My mother says and walks of distracted

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