Finally Found You

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This is Color Rush S3 where yeonwoo finally saw yoohan, laying on the hospital bed still in a coma, yeonwoo is talking to yoohan while he's still in a coma but that's what he thought, yoohan had been listening to him while he talks, he wants to surprise yeonwoo that he's already awake.

"Yoohan!" Yeonwoo ran towards to where yoohan's is laying and hugs him.
"I finally found you!" Yeonwoo sobs while he hugs yoohan.
" I missed you so much, you know i've been crazy looking for you?!"
"I haven't been really happy because i thought you're gone! I thought you left me!"
"I didn't see colors for half a year because you weren't here to let me see colors.."
"I miss our dates, i miss when you teach me about colors shades i didn't know i miss everything about you! I miss when you tell me facts about colors!"
"Yoohan...." Yeonwoo started to sob again.
"Yoohan please wake up... I miss hearing your voice.. i miss seeing your caramel eyes.."
"Yoohan, you're probably asking me in your head, would i still love you even you disappeared half a year ago?"
"Oh yoohan i searched for you like crazy is it that obvious of course i would still pick you and i still love you, even there's someone who likes me .."

Yeonwoo heard a voice


Yeonwoo finally heard the voice he's desperately wanted to hear... his only Yoohan.

"Yoohan! Omg you're awake!"
Yeonwoo helps yoohan sit up
"Are you okay? How are you feeling right now? Are you hurt? Is your face okay? Why did they wrap your face with the bandage? Is it really that bad??" Yeonwoo kept asking him.
"I'm okay yeonwoo-ah.. I'm feeling great cause you're here with me .."
"What about you yeonwoo..? How are you doing? "
"Im feeling so great today! and of course I'm pretty sad for these past year"
"Is it because I'm here? and is it because i wasn't here for you?"
"Well yes! Im so happy to see you! After going through all the hard times, especially not seeing you, and yes.."
"You still love me?? Even i wasn't here with you to let you see colors? Even there's someone who likes you??"
"How- You were awake?!"
"Uhm yes?"
"Why didn't you tell me??"
"I wanted to surprise you!"
Yeonwoo hits yoohan's arm after he found out he had been listening to him.
"Ow.. yeonwoo-ah.. don't hit me.. it hurts..."
"Omg im so sorry are you okay??? I'm so sorry for hitting you" yeonwoo said worryingly and kept kissing his arm.
"Since when you have been so sweet yeonwoo!?"
"Since then !"
"Really? I never seen you do anything sweet for me."
"Oh! But from now on i would be the sweetest person ever and i will protect you!"
"No.. im the one who should protect you.."
"Looking like that?? No! Im not gonna let you do that!"
"You would, since when my yeonwoo became so protective??"
"Yes i would! and yoohan please this time you're not gonna do that again cause you might get hurt again and please yoohan stop thinking about my safety all the time and think about your safety this time please."

Yoohan didn't respond to yeonwoo and he just nodded

After that yeonwoo started to visit yoohan everyday and would get sad when the nurse tells him to " you have to leave your visit time is done". After a week yeonwoo visits yoohan like what he does everyday he walks in to his room and saw that his face is finally uncovered.

"Yoohan! The bandage on you is finally removed! Can i see your face?"
"What about the color rush?"
"Im used to it remember??"
"Oh right it's because you haven't had the color rush in awhile so that's why.."
"Ohh, right but can i see your face i miss seeing your face..."

Yoohan turns around to face yeonwoo revealing scars on his face.

"Do i still look good?"
"You always looked good what do you mean?!"
"I always look what?? I can't hear it"
"I said you always looked good!"
"Really? I thought i looked ugly with these scars"
"What? You? Ugly? No my boyfriend doesn't talk like this"
"You're still handsome even with those scars!"

Yoohan just simply smiled at yeonwoo as yeonwoo complimented even yoohan still has these scars on his face


A/n: Im already bad at this help me😭😭

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