Valentine's Day With You

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It has been a full month since yeonwoo found yoohan,over the month sometimes yoohan stays at yeonwoo's place and yeonwoo stays at yoohan's place.. By the way It's valentine's day tomorrow, it's the day for the couples, friends and families to be together in a day full of love. Of course yeonwoo and yoohan are gonna be having a beautiful valentine's date together, being there for each other, wearing matching couple t-shirts. Now yeonwoo, he wanted to ask yoohan to be his valentines but he doesn't seem to know how to say it to yoohan so he called joohaeng and minjae for help, the three met up at a restaurant to discuss about yeonwoo asking yoohan on valentines, they ordered coffees so they would be able to concentrate. They finished drinking their coffee and just put the mugs on the table, there was a wind of silence, no one was able to bring up the situation. One of them has to bring up the situation, cause it's getting really awkward, no one was talking, they're just looking at each other while yeonwoo.. he doesn't know what to say either until joohaeng can't take this silence anymore he has to bring up the situation.

"Okay i can't take this anymore, yeonwoo you want to ask yoohan to be your valentine's? and you want advice from us?"
"Yes, cause i don't know how to ask someone."
"Well that's okay, we know what to do"
"Really? Thank you, please tell me"
"Pay me first"
"You're robbing me now?"
"Minjae's basically broke, he spent all his money on whatever he's buying, he's really robbing you yeonwoo"
"Oh God why am i even friends with minjae, he's just gonna rob me"
"Oh my gosh no, I'm joking"
"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure you were asking yoohan yesterday if he can give you money"
"and how did you know that?!"
"I follow you everytime"
"You follow me?"
"Uh what?"
"You two just shut up we ain't talking about you two, we're talking about asking someone on valentines!"
"Oh right, forgot about that.."
"Okay, our boy yoohan always asks us on how to ask you on dates every time so basically me and minjae are experts when it comes to giving advice!"
"Okay let's start this discussion, how do you ask your boyfriend? Well simply, say that they're the one who changed your life and stuff and how much you like being around them and how you would like to ask them on valentine's these are just major advices , mostly people ask their partners with these"
"Huh alright thanks joohaeng"
"You're welcome, yeonwoo"
"Don't be nervous just be straightforward with your answers, don't even think about the advice, just take it and start to think what you wanted to say to yoohan or just say it in front of him, don't even think what you wanted to say, say it coming from your heart yeonwoo"
"That's boosting my confidence thank you minjae"
"You're welcome, go and get your boyfriend and ask him! Someone might steal him away from you!"
"That ain't happening minjae.."
"I know just boosting you, now go!"

"Go what? Yeonwoo, joohaeng and minjae? what are you three are doing here? You're hanging out without me?!"
"Yoohan-ah... we're not.. we were discussing about something.."
"Without me? seriously?"
"Well this discussion is about you why would yeonwoo or minjae or even me would tell you?"
"About me? Why are you three talking about me?"
"It's about something yeonwoo wanted to tell you"
"Minjae's right, yeonwoo has something to tell you.."
"Yeonwoo.. are you breaking up with me?"
"Yoohan, No! I'm not breaking up with you! That's not what we're talking about.."
"Then what?"
"Okay yoohan calm yourself first sit down and we're gonna order you some coffee.."
"Okay you're actually scaring me yeonwoo.."

Yeonwoo ordered a caramel latte for yoohan and went back to the table to wait for his order. After 5 minutes the caramel latte order finally came, Yoohan drank it to basically calm himself but the drink didn't really affect him, it made him overthink more.

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