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Yeonwoo's POV
I woke up still sleeping on the couch with yoohan beside me, i smiled at him and started to caress his cheeks but it felt hot so i decided to put my hand on his forehead and .. he has a fever.. how did he get the fever? Is it because of how drunk yoohan is last night? Or maybe he's exhausted from our date? I don't really know to be honest, i didn't wake yoohan up as I don't want to disturb him. I went to get a bowl with cold water in it and a small towel i went back to the living room still seeing yoohan sleeping, i sat right next to him as i placed the bowl with cold water on the table and i dipped the towel on the bowl and squeezed the extra water on the towel and gently placed the towel on yoohan's forehead, i gently stroked yoohan's hair to comfort him.. Yoohan slowly wakes up.

"Yeonwoo.. ?"


"I don't feel good.."

"I know.. i know you have a fever.."

"Oh.. how did that happen?"

"Either you were really drunk or you were really exhausted"

"Oh okay.."

"I'll go make you some food, and you can stay here until you're better from your fever okay?"

"Alright yeonwoo.."

"This might take a while because I'm making special food for someone's special.."

"Aish.. thanks.."

"If you need anything just call me okay yoohan?"

"I will yeonwoo.."

"You'll take your medication later after your breakfast, i have everything here"

"Alright yeonwoo got it.."

"I'll get cooking now hm?"

"Sure I'll wait here.."

I went to the kitchen leaving yoohan alone on the living room. I went to get some ingredients i have on my refrigerator. After finding some ingredients i immediately started cutting the ingredients by pieces and after i put them on the pot. Making soup obviously..As i was stirring the pot i saw yoohan. walked into the kitchen while he holds the wet towel on his forehead.

"Ya! You're supposed to be resting!"

"I know but i just want to see what my yeonwoo is cooking for me.."

"You can see this later after i cooked it, just go back to resting your body"

"Okay.. i kinda feel dizzy so I'll just go and rest.."

"Okay rest yourself while i make my soup.."

"Alright I'll wait for you"

I saw yoohan walked back to the living room to rest as i felt relieved, i never cooked this soup for anyone but I'll cook it for yoohan. After 10 minutes the soup is finally done, i got a bowl and a spoon and put some soup on the bowl, and then i put it on a tray then i bringing it to yoohan

"Here.. let it warm a bit yoohan.. don't put it on your mouth already.."
"The soup smells.. good!"
"I'm glad you liked it, just let it warm yoohan.."

*After 2 minutes*

"Yeonwoo.. i think the soup is warm now, can i start now?"

"Sure, tell me what you thought about the soup that I made."

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