Episode 2: Worth It.

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As Jin Woo and William arrive at the elementary school, Jin Woo's protective instincts kick into high gear. After parking the motorcycle and ensuring William safely enters the school building, he kneels down to his stepson's eye level, his expression serious yet comforting.

Jin Woo: Remember what we talked about, William. If anyone gives you trouble because of your appearance, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll take care of it.

William nods, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and determination. He knows he can rely on his stepfather to stand up for him, no matter what challenges he may face at school.

William: Thanks, Dad. I won't let anyone bully me, but if they do, I'll tell you right away.

Jin Woo: That's my boy. And remember, it's okay to be different. You're unique, and that's something to be proud of.

With a reassuring pat on William's shoulder, Jin Woo watches as his stepson heads off to entrance of the school, Jin Woo stands tall, a silent guardian..

Meanwhile, Tigra goes about her day, unaware of the sinister plans brewing in the shadows. She navigates the bustling streets of the city, her feline grace drawing admiring glances from passersby. But beneath her confident exterior lies a mother's worry, her thoughts never far from her son, William.

As she goes about her daily routine, Tigra's mind drifts to the kiss she shared with Moon Knight, a memory that fills her with conflicting emotions. Though she cares deeply for Jin Woo, there's a part of her that can't deny the connection she shares with the enigmatic hero.

Lost in thought, Tigra is startled by the buzzing of her phone. She checks the message, her heart skipping a beat as she reads the urgent plea from William's school.

Tigra: [gasping] William! Is he okay?

With a sense of urgency, Tigra rushes to the school, her instincts on high alert. Little does she know, danger lurks just around the corner, threatening to shatter the peace she holds dear.

As she arrives at the school gates, Tigra's senses are on high alert, her feline instincts warning her of impending danger. With a determined glare, she strides into the building, ready to confront whatever threat may be lurking within.

As Tigra storms into the school, her senses heightened with concern, she's met with a scene that sends her heart racing with both anger and worry. There, in the hallway, stands Jin Woo, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a fierce rage as he grips the collar of another parent, his voice booming with righteous fury.

Jin Woo: [voice raised] You think it's okay to bully my son? To lay a hand on him? Apologize, now!

The other parent, visibly shaken, stammers out an apology, his eyes darting nervously between Jin Woo and Tigra. It's then that he lets slip a cruel remark, one that ignites a fire within Tigra's soul.

Bully's Father: [sneering] That cat brat is a mutant! He doesn't belong here!

Tigra's eyes narrow, her claws itching to lash out at the ignorance before her. With a deep breath, she steps forward, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

Tigra: [firmly] My son is a Human/Tiger hybrid, not a mutant. And he is as much a part of this school as any other child.

As the truth sinks in, the bully's father recoils, his face pale with realization. Meanwhile, William, trembling with fear, peeks out from behind his mother, seeking solace in her protective embrace.

William: [whispering] Mom...

Tigra: [gentle] It's okay, sweetheart. You're safe now.

With a final glare at the bully's father, Tigra ushers William away from the scene, her heart heavy with a mix of anger and sadness. As they leave the school behind, Tigra knows that the fight to protect her son is far from over, but she'll stop at nothing to ensure that he's treated with the love and respect he deserves

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