Omake: Power Ranger!

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In a serene park nestled within the bustling cityscape, Jin Woo stands beneath the dappled shade of a towering tree, his gaze softening as he watches his adopted son, William, frolicking by the edge of a tranquil pond. The gentle murmur of flowing water fills the air as William laughs gleefully, his eyes sparkling with delight as he chases a flock of ducks that glide gracefully across the surface of the pond.

Jin Woo's heart swells with warmth as he observes the pure joy radiating from William, his chest tightening with a mixture of love and gratitude for the precious moments they share together. He can't help but smile as he sees the innocence and wonder in William's eyes, a reminder of the simple pleasures that make life so beautiful.

As William reaches out to touch one of the ducks, his laughter rings out like music, a melody that fills Jin Woo's soul with happiness. He takes a moment to capture the scene in his memory, cherishing the sight of his son surrounded by nature's beauty, his heart overflowing with love for the boy who has brought so much light into his life.

Jin Woo: Hey there, buddy. Having fun?

William looks up, his face breaking into a wide grin as he sees Jin Woo approaching.

William: Yeah, Dad! Look at the ducks, they're so cool!

Jin Woo chuckles, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of William's exuberance.

Jin Woo: They sure are. Just like you, kiddo.

Jin Woo's tranquil moment by the pond is interrupted by a distant sight that catches his attention. With a furrowed brow, he reaches for his binoculars, bringing them to his eyes to get a closer look.

Jin Woo: Ok let me see?? 

As he adjusts the focus, his expression shifts from curiosity to disbelief his heart races with a mixture of excitement and incredulity at the unexpected sighting

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As he adjusts the focus, his expression shifts from curiosity to disbelief his heart races with a mixture of excitement and incredulity at the unexpected sighting.

As he adjusts the focus, his expression shifts from curiosity to disbelief his heart races with a mixture of excitement and incredulity at the unexpected sighting

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 Could it truly be the legendary hero known as NETORARERANGER, whose exploits are whispered about in hushed tones across the city?

Jin Woo: OH MY GOD!!

Wanting to be absolutely certain, Jin Woo adjusts his binoculars once more, squinting through the lenses to confirm what he's seeing

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Wanting to be absolutely certain, Jin Woo adjusts his binoculars once more, squinting through the lenses to confirm what he's seeing.

Jin Woo: Let me see again to make sure?

Overwhelmed by the sight before him, Jin Woo can't contain his astonishment any longer

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Overwhelmed by the sight before him, Jin Woo can't contain his astonishment any longer. With a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration, he exclaims aloud, his voice ringing out across the tranquil park.


With Jin Woo's outburst startles his adopted son, William, who turns to him with a mixture of confusion and concern. Pausing in the midst of feeding the ducks, William looks up at Jin Woo, his brow furrowing as he tries to make sense of his father's sudden exclamation.

William: Dad, what's wrong? Why are you shouting?

Jin Woo, still reeling from the shock of seeing NETORARERANGER, struggles to find the right words to explain his reaction. His mind races with a jumble of thoughts and emotions, the sight of the legendary hero leaving an indelible impression on him.

Jin Woo: I... I need to bleach my eyes! It's... it's just... too much!

His words tumble out in a rush, a mixture of disbelief and humor lacing his tone. Jin Woo's attempt at levity is met with a bemused expression from William, who can't help but chuckle at his father's dramatic reaction.

William: Bleach your eyes? What are you talking about, Dad?

Realizing the absurdity of his statement, Jin Woo laughs along with his son, the tension of the moment dissipating as they share a lighthearted moment together.

Jin Woo: Never mind, buddy. It's just... a lot to take in. Let's focus on enjoying our time here, okay?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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