Heard him say it

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"Yeah, Nerd Jesus." Marco mumbled, laid in a sulk on his bed. "That sonofafrick called you a bad name? Are you sure?" "Armin, who else is called Jesus at our school, eh...?" Marco asked, hoping he wouldn't give some smart arse answer like he usually would, because this kind of situation was very different. "Besides..." Marco shifted and got more comfy on his back. "I heard him say it."

"He doesn't even know me..." Marco thought, being bored from silence. Armin had finished asking so many stupid questions, and was too puzzled to say anything else. "He doesn't know me... And I don't know him... Yet-"

ding dong~

Interrupted by the doorbell, Marco wasn't even sure where he was going with that sentence. He got up suddenly, changing the subject inside his mind;

Who's at the door?

Yet, he still was thinking about him. What if he was at the door? What if he was holding roses? A spontaneous expression of love? "How unlikely", Marco said to the angel within his mind. He rushed to the door anyway, strangely, hesitating to open it. And...

"Oh... Connie."
"Heyyyy!~ look who I brought with me!"
"Hi!!!~" A cute brunette came shuffling out from behind Connie. "Sasha!" Marco's spirits lit up. "It's been so long."

"Take your mind off it.

Take your mind off it, dammit Marco."

Connie, Sasha and Armin were enjoying a takeaway pizza (Well Sasha was, there was really not that much left when she was finished) and Marco was tapping his feet off of one another. Everyone was too deep in conversation to notice the look of sadness on Marco's face. It was weird, he thought he was bisexual, only thinking that because he made out with Armin that one time as a dare, but that was only thirty seconds long. He tried to deny the fact he could be gay, and that he was only bisexual, by going on a date with Hitch but had to instead call it off. He couldn't look at her in such a way women like while he had the thought of doing things we shouldn't talk about with another person, another man at that.

"Hey guys..." Marco stood up. "I think I want to sleep now."
"Eh? Sleep? It's only... What? 10 PM? Too early."

Well, the good thing about Marco's life was that he lived alone. It gets as lonely as it would but Connie has a flat with Sasha in the same complex and Armin usually shares Eren, had he not been away with his dad for half a year. Besides, there's only really one person at this moment in time that Marco would like to share with. And share everything.

"Yeah, well... I'm sorry I guess. I've got a lot on my mind." Marco stood up, picking up the pizza box and taking it to the door, opening it and inviting his friends to leave. "Alright, Marco! I'll see you at school tomorrow!~" Armin smiled, as happily as ever, then led the others outside. Marco only nodded, everything felt very awkward for him at those moments. Like something was even taking over him. He liked it, somehow.

Marco got undressed, had a quick snack, put his phone on charge and began sleeping.


A school fling; JeanMarco High-School AU (Attack On Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin)Where stories live. Discover now