B'n'B - Beer in Bed

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Marco opened the door abruptly in an attempt to seem confident and not so worried that he was about to let a hot acquaintance inside his home. As soon as Jean heard the door latch clicking as the brown wooden door was opened, he turned himself around to see who answered, but kept in the same position.

"O-oh, Je-!" Marco tried letting out, but was stopped as Jean pressed his palm hard against his chest, pushing him back inside. "Sshhh..." He said, biting his bottom lip seductively. "Should we have some fun tonight?" Jean asked, yet again not waiting for an answer as he emptied a plastic bag onto Marco's bed, making the beer inside the cans jump about as if they were happy to be free from such a small, stuffy, packed space.

"J-Jean... I don't." Marco suddenly got shy, a little nervous, not sure if what he said next would annoy Jean, or if Jean would be fine with it.
"You don't what?" Jean asked, this time, finally wanting an answer. "I-I don't..." Marco put his clammy hands in his sleeves, and held them closed. "I don't drink... Often." Marco finally let out, scuffing his shoes off the floor. Jean sighed a little, then laughed. He then grabbed a beer, opened it and strutted over to Marco.
"Is it the way it gives you goosebumps?" Jean asked, Marco shrugged his shoulders, then shook his head. "Is it the taste?" Jean asked. Marco hesitantly nodded his head. Jean walked closer to him, so they were practically pressed up against each other. "Close your eyes, picture your favourite drink." Jean ordered.

Marco closed his eyes.

Gently, Jean held Marco with one hand under his chin, and with the other hand he tipped the beer down Marco's throat, having to get even closer to him. Now they were rubbing together in places we shouldn't discuss, making Marco groan a little. Jean didn't think anything of it, as he thought Marco was making noises because he wasn't trying hard enough to repent the taste of the alcohol. "Just swallow it." Jean chuckled, as he watched Marco cringe and his nose crinkle up. Marco decided to swallow it, and then he sighed.
"Can you feed me it again?" He asked, watching as Jean was consuming massive amounts of the same drink from the same can, all in one go. "Of course I can, don't bother to close your eyes this time." Jean sat Marco on his lap and Marco got a little nervous, but let Jean feed him again. It was kind of sexual from Marco's point of view, but Jean didn't seem all that bothered.

Either Jean was used to having men on his lap, or Marco just had a really perverted mind.


"God, Marco!" Jean laughed, lolling his head to the left. "This is like your billionth swig and you still need to be fed it!? Are you a baby!?" Jean forced huge gulps of the beer down Marco's throat, giggling like a little kid and holding Marco's nose shut. Marco, unfortunately, spat out the beer all over himself, and became a coughing and spluttering mess. "O-Oh God... *Hick!* I really... Couldn't breathe just now." Marco sighed, regaining a steady breath. "Well... Sorry... I was just joking about. Here." Jean passed Marco a tissue from a packet he always carries in his left pocket. It was the least he could do after just choking him half to death. The two then after played around and joked about the night together.

--Time skip--

Marco was so tired now that he was almost falling asleep. The effects of the alcohol were wearing off and he couldn't really see a thing, nor keep his eyes open. "Uhn... Jean..." He said, lifting himself up from the floor beside the TV with all his strength, and looking around the room.
"'Sup Marco?"
"I'm a little sleepy now... Is this a side effect?"
"No, you just need to get some sleep," Jean chuckled, "Here, allow me." Jean walked over to Marco, lifting him up and placing him gently down on the bed, tucking him in after and bunching up his pillow so it was soft and comfortable for Marco's head to sink into.
"Well... This is awkward..." Jean thought. He didn't want to go home, but he felt rude asking to stay. Marco didn't want Jean to leave. "So, are you getting in bed with me?" Marco said, almost too quickly and too welcoming. Jean got nervous, and shifted his way over, while undressing himself from the waist down so he was just in a shirt and boxers. "Thanks, dude. I didn't want to go home today, glad you could read the air." Jean smiled to himself, and tucked himself into the blanket, shuddering a little at how surprisingly cold it had suddenly gotten, but then relaxing again when his body heat radiated his side of the blanket. The two said their good nights, and simply fell asleep in each others comfort.

A school fling; JeanMarco High-School AU (Attack On Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin)Where stories live. Discover now