3 days until the weekend

23 0 0




"EH?!" Marco shouted, bolting up. He had fallen asleep in class... For the first time. Who could blame him? It was a science lesson, and if you have science after a rough night, I'm 101% certain you will also fall asleep. Besides the point, Marco was still feeling funny. Last night's events had got him in a pretty damn good mood, but it wasn't enough.

He wanted Jean inside of him, to embrace him, to take his purity, and to be dirtied by the school's manslut, who probably has more experience in the bedroom than Marco's science teacher. "Agh... Sorry, Miss." Marco was easily forgiven, as it was his first time ever to do this. He was just warned never to do it again.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The majority of the class turned to see who was coming in, but Marco was still staring at his book, nodding along, pretending he was listening. He was so exhausted he barely even knew what was going on; or where he was.

"Um, hello... I've been sent next door- No, here, to do work." "Mr. Kirschtein? You've finally been set back a year?" The teacher smirked at him. Jean gave her the dirtiest look in history. "Well, go sit next to Marco there." She told him. Marco, who was only just processing the fact Jean was in his class now, sat up and turned to look at him. He smiled at him when he sat down. Jean laughed. "What was that half-arsed smile for, Marco? Something on my face?" "Er... Uh... N-No... I just didn't think the teacher was gonna put you next to me." "Hm, well what can we do, eh? I suppose we never got a chance to greet each other properly," Jean held his hand out, "My name is Jean Kirschtein, but you probably know that, considering I know yours." Jean gave a side smile. Sexy, Marco thought, then took Jean's hand in his. "I'm M-Marco... Not much to know about me." He said, Jean's hand was incredibly soft in his; it wasn't too hot, or too cold. (This is beginning to sound like that story with the three bears and the blonde girl).

Marco and Jean did their work as usual. It was so awkward for Marco, he would never be able to explain it.

"Hey, Marco." Jean said. Marco turned to face Jean, who was closer than expected. With their lips in line, Marco could've stolen a kiss, but he wasn't brave enough. "Yes...?" Marco whispered, he was a little nervous. "You're blushing really bad." Jean said, staring into Marco's eyes with a plain expression, almost like he was planning something. "O~Oh... Really~?--! Ahha! No, no... Heh, don't get the wrong idea from this, J-Ah...!" Jean tightened his grip and pulled him closer to him. Nothing happened though, remember they are still in the classroom. Jean sighed. "Call me tonight, Marco. At about 8PM." Jean slipped his hand into his pocket, taking out his number, then brushed his hand up Marco's thigh and put it in his pocket.

He let go of Marco, and then the bell went. Jean left first, but left his work with him. Failing Science, to him, wasn't the end of the world.




Marco laid on his bed, flat on his stomach, staring down at Jean's number and holding his phone. "Calling him won't hurt, right?" Marco agreed with himself, typed in Jean's number, and clicked the call button.

Jean was driving, coming back from hanging with Reiner when he heard his phone ringing. He picked it up. "Hello?"
"Jean it's Marco."
"Oh, good! Marco. Hey. Where do you live?"
"M-Me? I live on Scouts Street, in Flat 24B. Why?" Marco began to blush again.
"Well, get ready, I'm coming over." Jean hung up the phone, without giving Marco a chance to refuse Jean's visit.


There was a knock at the door.

Marco hesitated to answer it. Despite knowing who it was, he was scared.

What if there was still cum stains from last night's events on his bed? That was such a small chance, but it was possible.

A school fling; JeanMarco High-School AU (Attack On Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang