Chapter 13: Route of Stonehenges

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What can Leah say about Menhir Trail? For starters it was fully made of rocks and was home to many ghost, psychic and dark type Pokemon. There was an odd vibe to it, one that often made her keystone react oddly. That keystone was a pendant on a pearl necklace her mother had gotten her on the day she was accepted to college. The pendant itself was a unique design, it had the keystone, but that keystone was surrounded by a harmonious combination of Fire Stone shards and diamonds.

The necklace was symbolic in a way, a symbol of honoring those before her while still being her own person. Leah was not stupid, the odd, golden necklace (that looked more like a bracelet) her brother was to be given on the day he would have his Growlithe had a glittering, blue diamond within. The one she was supposed to be given had a pearl within it. These relics hailed long before her grandfather was even born. When she had dug deeper for some information on the family heirlooms, she had found that they once belonged to the leaders of rival factions in the Sinnoh region who worshiped the legendary Pokemon of time and space: Dialga and Palkia.

Genetics were an odd thing, despite never having met her ancestors because they are six feet under and therefore dead, Leah's elderly relatives often told her how much she looked like the leader of the faction that worshiped Dialga just with the way her ginger hair turns green and blue at its ends. She, however, had the temper, stubborn mind and love for exploring that the other faction's leader had. She was a perfect blend of the two leaders.

The rocks in Menhir Trail were nearly as old as the heirloom, if not older. The Kalos war happened 3000 years ago whereas the catastrophe in the Sinnoh region was 155 years ago. Back to the rocks, no one is really sure what these rocks are, some believe them to be the graves of Pokemon that fell in the war while others believe them to be the precursor to mega stones. One thing was certain, Leah's keystone was reacting to them. These stones were so bizarre that they picked the interest of Team Flare and whatever they had in mind for them, it was not good.

Leah quite literally hurled Skalli at the first grunt she saw which was conveniently the grunt she met in the Glittering Cave. She only sent in her Electrike, it was almost like the only Pokemon she had left was the little canine, "I thought you had a Gulpin?"

"Oh it's you from the caves!" She laughed nervously, "Dad- uh I mean the boss doesn't like it when we fail a mission so he uh confiscated my Gulpin."

"That sounds illegal."

"You're a cop, you would know what's legal and what isn't." The grunt deadpanned, "by default that makes you and Team Flare enemies."

Leah stood there, bewildered, "How did you-"

"You're not really subtle and you were wearing the uniform on our last encounter, anyway, Electrike use Thundershock!"

Electrike's body crackled with electricity as it began to engulf its body. On Leah's command, Skalli countered it with Ember and then proceeded to use Rock Tomb. Gray rocks surrounded by a white aura circled around Skalli's bushy tail and with a swish of her tail, the rocks flew towards Electrike. It evaded a few of the rocks by jumping on them, but then Electrike slipped and all the rocks struck it at once. With a final Fire Fang from Skalli, Electrike lay defeated. Leah looked at her opponent with sympathy and sighed, "I don't know what Team Flare intends to do with the rocks here, but I have a feeling it's not as innocent as observing them. Now go. Take some samples before I change my mind."

The grunt smiled, "They call us grunts, but my real name is Adeline."

Leah nodded and shook her hand, "Name's Leah."

With that, the grunt- no, Adeline went to collect some samples of the rocks. She didn't know what Leah gained from this kindness knowing that the girl might get eradicated along with the rest of humanity if Team Flare sees success. Adeline was curious about Leah and wondered what she saw in her. She watched as the girl returned to her friends, Leah didn't seem to have noticed the Eevee that was following her.

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