Chapter 20: Doing It Again with More Feeling and Flowers!

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For those who know carnations, they know that certain flowers and their colours show one's innermost feelings. Leah is not one of those people. She would simply look at a flower and think it's pretty without looking into its meaning. She's not a florist and she's not one to think far into the meaning of a flower. This time Leah was sent to explore the flower fields, which meant there were more options in flowers. Korrina decided to accompany her despite Mabel's stern instructions not to. Korrina needed some fresh air and Leah had a task to do. Leah picked a few Hollyhock flowers and turned to Korrina, "I see one Lucario, where's the other?"

"I left him with Mildred for now." Korrina sighed, "He seems happier with her around."

"So you followed me because you felt suffocated." Leah told her friend as she grabbed the tulips Mrs. Cuddletails brought to her.

Omen brought her a few Gladiolus flowers and Yellow Roses. Stardust brought Leah some Magnolias. Leah knew damn well what Yellow Roses meant and the look Omen was giving to Mrs. Cuddletails, while subtle, spoke louder than a fully powered Boom Burst. Korrina sighed softly as she picked her own share of flowers. The two girls and their Pokémon walked around the area, looking for a wider variety of flowers which led them near a stream.

Leah stepped into the water, just like the previous day. This time, however, she simply opted to enjoy the water rather than mess around. It took about a minute when Leah noticed that Korrina had sat down next to her. Omen and Lucario sat nearby, having a discussion that Leah and Korrina could only dream of understanding while Stardust and Mrs. Cuddletails played in the stream. Korrina gave the little Eevee a glance and turned to Leah, "What do you think it'll evolve into?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Leah smiled softly, "I'm hoping that she'll evolve into Sylveon, but I'll be happy with whatever she chooses to evolve into."

"With how close all of you seem to be, I can see it become a Sylveon. It could evolve into Espeon or Umbreon too." Korrina chuckled, "Whatever it becomes, it'll be quite a fearsome opponent."

Leah laughed, "We have options, but I don't think we're quite there yet."

"That's understandable." Korrina said with a small smile on her face. She then stood up and dusted herself off, "We should probably head back before it gets dark."

Leah nodded in agreement and called her Pokemon over. She grabbed the flowers and withdrew Stardust. The girls slowly started walking back to Mabel's treehouse. Mrs. Cuddletails walked in front of them; she only sprinted to try and catch the fireflies that just started to appear. It was quite an adorable sight and Leah and Korrina couldn't help, but laugh softly. Even Omen found it endearing, he cooed at the Vulpix and she barked in response. When they returned to the treehouse, they did the same thing as the previous evening: arranging flowers.

Arranging the flowers was a struggle because Stardust wasn't there to keep the peace between Omen and Mrs. Cuddletails. The two started arguing and managed to knock the pot a few times, making a mess with the dirt. Despite Leah sternly telling them to stop, they kept at it until she had enough. Leah grabbed the pot and dumped the soil on both Mrs. Cuddletails and Omen, "There. Now you're both one and the same."

"That's one way to resolve conflict." Korrina laughed.

Leah glared at Korrina, but her gaze held no actual weight, "Say another word and you're also getting the soil of doom."

Korrina laughed as she watched Leah get more soil and actually get started with the arrangements. Her friend had no actual intent on dumping dirt on her head. Luckily this time, the activity went without any more scuffles and Leah managed to make an interesting arrangement with the Hollyhocks, Magnolias and Gladiolus flowers. Her hands were just as dirty as her Pokemon's fur and she figured that Zayn wouldn't want to sleep in a bed filled to the brim with dirt so she went to get herself and her Pokemon clean.

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