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Floyd's consciousness tiptoed back to him in a slow, unsteady rhythm. As he fluttered open his eyes, the stark brightness of the hospital room ambushed his senses, compelling him to raise an arm in a feeble attempt to shield himself from the glare. A groan escaped his lips, a testament to the throbbing ache that had taken up residence in his head, pulsating with an intensity that matched the sharp, relentless pain radiating from his leg. The discomfort was a harsh reminder of the ordeal he had endured, even as the details of how he ended up here remained shrouded in a haze of confusion and exhaustion.

As Floyd's ears picked up the sound of approaching footsteps, curiosity overpowered his discomfort, prompting him to lower his arm and brave the room's harsh lighting. Squinting through the discomfort, he discerned the figures of two trolls approaching his bedside. These weren't the vibrant, colorful trolls he was accustomed to; their appearances were distinctly different, bearing a resemblance more akin to doctors, yet unlike any he had encountered before in his life.

His voice, rough and laced with confusion, broke the silence between them. "Where am I? How am I still alive?" The questions tumbled out, each word punctuated by genuine bewilderment and a hint of fear. Floyd found himself grappling with the reality of his situation, the unknowns wrapping around him like a dense fog, as he awaited their response, hoping for some clarity amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

As Floyd's ears picked up the sound of approaching footsteps, curiosity overpowered his discomfort, prompting him to lower his arm and brave the room's harsh lighting. Squinting through the discomfort, he discerned the figures of two trolls approaching his bedside. These weren't the vibrant, colorful trolls he was accustomed to; their appearances were distinctly different, bearing a resemblance more akin to doctors, yet unlike any he had encountered before in his life.

His voice, rough and laced with confusion, broke the silence between them. "Where am I? How am I still alive?" The questions tumbled out, each word punctuated by genuine bewilderment and a hint of fear. Floyd found himself grappling with the reality of his situation, the unknowns wrapping around him like a dense fog, as he awaited their response, hoping for some clarity amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

Floyd's voice wavered as he recounted the scant details he could muster, the fear he had felt in those moments bleeding through his words. "How I was injured? I... it's all a blur. It all happened so quickly. I was just walking in a forest, and then this creature attacked me." The recollection sent a shiver down his spine, the fear palpable in his voice as he spoke of the creature.

Dr. Ragna and Dr. Tarn leaned in, their interest piqued by the mention of a creature. They exchanged a look of concern and curiosity before bombarding Floyd with a series of questions aimed at uncovering more about this mysterious entity. "Can you describe the creature? Was it something you've seen before? Do you remember any specific features?"

Floyd did his best to answer, his honesty evident in the effort he made to recall the terrifying encounter. "I've never seen anything like it before," he admitted, struggling to paint a picture with his words. "It was fast, incredibly fast, and it seemed... wrong, somehow. Like it didn't belong in the forest or anywhere else. Its cry was the most terrifying thing — it sounded almost like a distorted scream. And its face, it was like a nightmare brought to life."

The doctors listened intently to Floyd's description, jotting down notes as he spoke. It was clear that they were taking his account seriously, considering every detail he provided. After a moment of silence, Dr. Tarn spoke up, her voice reassuring. "Thank you for sharing that, Floyd. It sounds like a harrowing experience. We're going to do everything we can to help you recover."

Floyd nodded, a mixture of gratitude and lingering fear in his eyes. While the physical wounds might heal in time, the psychological scars left by his encounter with the creature in the forest would take longer to fade. For now, though, he found some solace in the fact that he was safe within the walls of the Volcano Rock City Infirmary, far from the dark forest and the nightmare that had pursued him there.

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