Bad Hair Day

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It was Friday night, which meant Carol and Riff were in the house. Floyd, now equipped with crutches since his sprained ankle had healed but his leg remained broken, sat on the floor, taking it easy. Barb lounged on the couch behind him, busy styling his hair into whatever wild creation she pleased. Meanwhile, Carol had gathered an assortment of ingredients, concocting something slimy-looking.

Riff occupied the house phone, ordering a pizza for the evening's indulgence.

Thrash had planned to spend the evening at home, but plans took an unexpected turn when Sid Frett decided to drop by for a visit. Sid wasn't alone; accompanying him was his unusual but charming pet bat, which nestled comfortably in his lap. As Carol busied herself concocting one of her infamous slime recipes, Sid assisted by passing her various ingredients, all the while gently stroking his bat.

Meanwhile, Rebel was on a mission throughout the house. She was diligently collecting blankets, pillows, sheets, and a variety of plushies. Her goal was to transform the living room into a cozy fort where everyone could gather, relax, and enjoy the playful ambiance of their makeshift hideaway. The evening was shaping up to be one of those spontaneous gatherings that promised laughter and a touch of whimsy.

Carol triumphantly lifted the bowl above her head, her face alight with mischievous glee. "BEHOLD! My latest masterpiece! Bow before the might of my slime creation!" she proclaimed, her voice echoing through the room.

Sid chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "You've outdone yourself, Carol. That looks... interesting."

Riff, from his spot on the couch, smirked and called back, "That thing's more terrifying than half the horror movies we've watched!"

Floyd, still fiddling with his crutches, couldn't help but laugh. "Just don't get any of that goo near me, please."

Roxanne, the bat, seemed particularly captivated by the glittering slime. With a swift flutter of her wings, she swooped down, snatched the bowl from Carol's hands, and ascended rapidly, perching herself high on a bookshelf where no one could reach.

"Hey! Roxanne, bring that back!" Carol shouted, jumping up in an attempt to retrieve her creation.

Sid stood, trying to coax the bat gently. "C'mon, Roxanne, let's not start a slime war here."

Riff joined in, "Maybe she wants to add bat artistry to it, eh?"

As they all tried different tactics to persuade Roxanne, the bat seemed to consider their pleas. With a sudden decision, she tipped the bowl and dropped it right as Rebel walked into the room. The slime cascaded down, landing with a splat on the left side of Rebel's head, covering her hair and shoulder in sticky, glittery goo.

Rebel froze, wide-eyed and slimed. "Seriously? Right when I thought this day couldn't get any stickier," she groaned, wiping the goo from her face.

Carol burst into laughter, even as she rushed over with apologies. "I swear it's good for your skin... or hair... maybe?"

Riff couldn't contain his mirth. "Looks like you've been officially initiated by Roxanne's slime baptism!"

Floyd, still safely away from the slime fiasco, grinned. " It's not a proper hangout until something weird happens."

Rebel playfully hurled a bundle of blankets at Floyd, sending him toppling over with a surprised yelp. The soft landing cushioned his fall, eliciting a small puff of air as he landed. Next, a barrage of plushies flew towards Carol, who welcomed them with a triumphant shout of "MY ARMY!" She gathered them around her protectively, as if preparing for battle.

With everyone suitably equipped for the fort-building mission, Rebel distributed the remaining items she had gathered. She then made her way to the kitchen, intent on washing off the sticky remnants of slime from her encounter with Roxanne's playful antics.

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