oooo~ Barbie has a crush

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Barb savored her pancakes, each bite filled with the sweet blend of orange and red sprinkles, and melty chocolate chips within. She enjoyed this delightful breakfast in the living room, her attention occasionally captured by a romance movie playing on the TV. The concept of romance sparked a curious wonder in her mind.

Next to her, her vibrant and eccentric best friend, Carol, was fast asleep, emitting soft snores. Glancing over, Barb's smile grew tender at the sight of her resting friend. Suddenly, she felt a warmth spreading across her cheeks. Was she blushing? Confused and slightly flustered, Barb quickly shook her head, trying to dispel the unexpected thought.

Barb's fingers nervously found her mouth, her nails a temporary distraction as she tried to make sense of her feelings. A bead of sweat trailed down her forehead. "This... this has been happening way too often... Oh, no," she silently panicked, her blush deepening despite her efforts to quell it. Overwhelmed and feeling unusually warm, she hurried upstairs, her pace quick and frantic. She burst through her bedroom door, rushed in, and slammed it shut behind her.

The sudden noise startled Floyd awake from a deep sleep. He groaned, irritation flashing across his face as he shot a glare in Barb's direction. But she was too caught up in her own turmoil to notice. Standing in front of the mirror, Barb was visibly stressed, her face flushed with heat. She tugged at her mohawk in a desperate attempt to distract herself from the tumult of emotions swirling inside her.

Floyd, meanwhile, could only watch in confusion, completely bewildered by the unexpected and intense display of distress from Barb.

Floyd exhaled deeply before addressing the obvious turmoil in the room. "You alright? You seem... uh... pretty stressed."

At his words, Barb slowly pivoted her head towards him, her eyes wide and bewildered, lips pressed into a tight line. Suddenly, the word burst from her like a dam breaking. "NO!" she yelled.

Launching into a passionate tirade, Barb paced back and forth, her words tumbling out in a frenzied rush. "I just... I don't get it, okay? My head's been all over the place lately, and I feel like I'm on this rollercoaster of emotions that just won't stop! Every little thing is making my heart race, and I've got this weird, jittery feeling in my stomach that won't go away. And the worst part? I don't even know why!"

She paused, taking a deep, ragged breath, her hands flailing expressively as she struggled to articulate her inner chaos. "It's like, I'm always hot and then cold, and sometimes I catch myself staring off into space, daydreaming, and then I snap out of it and feel all embarrassed and... and flustered. Flustered! Over what, right? It's ridiculous."

Barb halted her pacing, a look of genuine perplexity etched across her face. "And the weirdest part of all this? It's happening a lot... around... well, just, people. Specific people. And it's driving me insane because I can't make heads or tails of it. I've never felt this way before, and it's freaking me out!"

She threw her hands up in a gesture of defeat, her energy momentarily spent. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just all over the place, and I can't even pinpoint why. It's like I'm feeling things I've never felt, and it's scary, okay? It's really, really scary."

Floyd watched, a mix of concern and confusion on his face, as Barb's torrent of words finally dwindled to a halt, leaving a heavy silence in its wake.

Floyd, catching on to a thread in Barb's chaotic outpouring of emotions, probed gently, his voice soft yet curious, "What... kind of people?"

Barb, initially taken aback by the question, began to pace again, her agitation rekindled by the inquiry. "It's just, you know, people who are always around, making me feel all these things I can't explain. They're just... there, and every time they're near, my whole body reacts in ways I don't understand. My heart races, I get all sweaty and nervous, and I find myself wanting to be near them but also wanting to run away at the same time."

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