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Exactly 1 Year and 6 Days before the End of the World

June 23 – July 5, 2022
Look beyond what you see.
“THAT IS NOT WHAT Gryffindor robes would look like in the 21st Century,” I said, pointing towards the drawing on the sketchbook. “The sleeves are too short.”

    The art studio. It was where we just knew to meet each other since we started dating three weeks ago. Aaron wasn't like all the other shitty frat boys who just wanted head and a quick fuck without any emotional entanglement—that rubbish ‘No Strings Attached’ nonsense.

    Aaron actually asked me to be his boyfriend.

    Whenever I came into the art studio—usually after lunch—he would always be there. When he came, I would, because I knew he would come. It was cringe and dumb and weird, but I liked it.

    “Of course the sleeves are short,” Aaron countered. He twirled his pencil and shot me a blue-eyed look of Duh. “How else would they fight? You can't have long sleeves flying everywhere, Potter. You never know who wants to take you out on the street.”

    I dropped my backpack and nodded. “Yeah, you could totally get jumped by Death Eaters on your way to Starbucks.” I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled.

    “Yeah! See? You get it.” His eyes narrowed at me. “Wait, that was sarcasm, wasn't it?”

    I laughed again and he groaned, continuing his sketch. How did I get such a perfect person? was what I always wondered. I wasn't even out to everyone yet—only Hadassah. Not even my parents knew. I didn't want to find out what they'd do if they knew.

    But Aaron was. He wasn't afraid. He could go into the boys' locker room. He could still play football. He could have dated anyone he wanted. But, somehow, three weeks ago, on a rainy day, he saw me. We'd been talking and bonding over Harry Potter a few weeks before that, and I hadn't hoped for much. Or anything at all.

    “What are you thinking about?” he asked me. His fingers were stained with charcoal. His blue eyes shimmered with concern.

    “I'm just wondering how I landed the jackpot with an amazing boyfriend.” A smile bloomed on his face. A smile bloomed on mine.

    “Well, it was either you or the ‘Festus the Dragon’ inflatable at the bookstore for The Heroes of Olympus thrift sale.” He shrugged. “Glad it was a no brainer.”

    “Avada literal Kedavra right now!” I yelled, hitting him with my backpack. “I hate you so much, Aaron Draco Malfoy Dempsey.”

    “No,” he muttered, leaning forward, “you like me, Jabari Harry James Potter Carter. You like me very much.”

    Before I realised we were breathing the same air, I moved my eyes to the door and windows. The coast was clear.

    Aaron kissed me. Strawberry lip balm is what I tasted first while my nervous system kicked into overdrive. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, flew up my throat and lounged there. I slid my hands into his hair and brought his mouth down on mine. Aaron skimmed his thumbs over the sensitive skin on my jawline.

    I moaned and shut my eyes. The light whisper of contact shot a spear of reaction through me. A pulse hammered in my throat. His lips pressed there and explored. I felt every blood cell in my body shoot off down my back, my arms and below my belt buckle.

    I came up for air. I knew if I didn't stop, it wouldn't have ended well. Aaron's face had a red tint now and his muscles were loosening. He panted and I could see a bulge—a really large one, no doubt—pulsing in his pants, struggling to break free.

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