Perfect copy

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Francis sat on his couch, bored out of his mind. He stared at the ceiling, dozing off when all of a sudden he heard his door handle rattle.


He wasn't expecting visitors.

With a sigh, he got up from the couch and stumbled over to the door, his iron deficiency merciless as he wobbled on his feet. He wiped his sweaty hands on his sweatpants and fixed his black shirt to at least look presentable, before opening the door.

His inhaled sharply and tried to slam the door shut as soon as he saw a familiar face staring back at him with a smirk. Unfortunately for him, the doppelganger has already set a foot in his apartment, making it impossible for the door to close. Francis fell backwards after a hard push on the door, and the doppel came inside. His copy looked around the small apartment, taking in the decor, before finally turning his attention back to the milkman sitting on the floor.

"Aren't you looking just delicious, Francis~" The doppel said with a sultry tone, making Francis shiver. His traitorous body heated up at the call of his name by that low, raspy voice and he could already feel blood rushing south at the look in his copy's eyes. Francis curled up on the floor and started moving backwards as the doppel made its way towards him in long steps. The milkman gulped and whimpered as the creature towered over him, looking down at his pathetic, shaking form with a certain hunger.

Something was not right.

He could sense it as the doppel crouched down next to him and caged his body between his arms, leaning over him, laying him down flat against the ground. Francis honestly wished the ground would swallow him so he could escape the situation he has found himself in.

"Mmmm... I see... This excites you?" Francis stared at him confused, before his face burned up as the doppel looked down at his crotch with a pointed look.

"N-no! This... This is not what you think..!"

"Mmmm, I believe it's exactly what I think it is."

Suddenly the doppel ground down against his half-hard cock, drawing a low moan from Francis' mouth.

"You know... I have been looking for a vessel to carry my offspring..." Fake Francis licked his lips and his eyes glimmered dangerously.


"We might not be from this planet, but we still have to reproduce, you know? We usually implant our eggs in a live host and leave them there until they hatch... Their escape from the body always gets a bloody mess," The doppel let out a manic laugh. Francis stared at him wide-eyed, shaking with fear as he let out another whimper. The creature looked down at his face again.

"But you know... You're too pretty to get just one use. I think I'll help you with the expelling, and then breed you again. And again. Over and over." Tears of dread welled up in Francis' eyes and he attempted to wriggle his way from under the doppelganger, but to no avail. The doppel quickly caught the movement and pinned his arms above his head with one clawed hand. He was starting to lose his form, eyes deepening, sharp teeth emerging, but he still remained similar to Francis.

The doppel wasted no time ripping off Francis' bottom.

"Mmmm.. I've never actually researched human reproductive organs... Care to help me figure out how they work?" Francis shook his head, squirming in the doppel's grasp. He let out a gasp as he felt his copy poke the tip of his dick with a clawed finger, digging the claw into his slit. Francis let out a shout of pain and started thrashing all the more the deeper the claw went.

The doppel hummed, before taking off the finger. Francis looked down and his face contorted into horror as he saw the now thinned out, needle-like claw travel back onto his slit and start to push in.

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