Perfect escape

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The eggs were due to hatch any day now.  Francis's belly was very swollen, bulging out and making it hard for him to move, however Mera was always there to help him with that.

Francis and Mera's relationship grew over the month, the two getting closer with each day. Mera considered him his mate. They even went on walks around the forest after much begging from Francis, though only together and only in the middle of the night when it was sure nobody could see them. Mera insisted on making Francis cum multiple times a day, but never filled him with more eggs. Today was just another one of those days.

Francis cried out as the rough tongue inside him curled against his prostate again. He tightened his hold on Mera's dark locks as the doppel dug in once more, tasting his slick. Francis didn't know when it started, but his body began to change during the 'pregnancy'. He still needed to eat, but he never defecated, instead his ass started producing sweet slick. His chest was swollen and just a few days ago he started producing milk. Suprisingly, Mera was lactating as well, explaining that usually the doppels are the ones feeding the offspring as it wasn't common for the host to survive the birth.

Francis keened as two hands reached up to knead his tits, small droplets of sweet milk trickling down his chest.

Then it happened.

It started with a quiet cracking sound from the inside of his stomach, followed by a sharp pain. Francis screamed in agony as he felt his intestines being shredded from the inside out. Mera instantly caught what was happening and was quick to go to comforting the human, meanwhile shoving his whole hand into Francis's hole. Francis didn't even notice, too caught up in the burning pain, crying and thrashing. Mera looked at his twisted face with an apologetic expression as his hand ripped through his rectal cavity to reach the now hatched little doppelgangers. Francis never ceased his cries, shouting for someone, anyone, to end this.

Soon enough Mera felt the little monsters struggling to escape Francis's body. He swiftly grabbed one of them, guiding it towards the already existing exit. The others soon followed the first child, crawling through the tight tunnel with their claws and teeth. Meanwhile Francis was on the verge of losing his mind from the intensity of the pain, wailing and twisting his whole body to somehow escape the feeling that was coming from the inside.

The whole ordeal took about fifteen minutes, from the first crack to the last doppel out.

Francis sobbed, curled up in a sad little ball as Mera took the nine creatures in his arms. It wasn't uncommon for doppels to die during birth, so he wasn't suprised when he had to pull the last two out himself, the small creatures dangling lifelessly from his arms.

Two of the newborns instantly crawled over to their 'mother', latching onto his nipples to feed. Another pair was being fed by Mera while the last five licked off the blood covering them. After a few minuted the children switched places, then again until the last one was fed and happy.

Francis was still in a haze from the pain, laying flat on his back and panting, stray tears still trickling down his cheeks. Mera smiled at him and cuddled up to him along with their doppelganger children, warming and comforting him.

"You did good, Francis. Rest now." Francis lost conciousness.

He woke up to the feeling of small fangs nibbling on his skin. He yelped as he noticed nine weird looking creatures swarming him and biting gently.

They had slightly greenish, translucent skin, pointy ears and sharp fangs. They were small, similar to a human infant, but way more developed, with slightly longer arms and legs. They had quite big claws coming out of their fingers and toes, all of which were digging into his skin to hold onto him.

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