Perfect mother

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It was early summer. Francis was enjoying his time off as the town has decided to give him some time to get over the extremely traumatic experience he went through. He kept his promise, going into the forest every day to meet his mate and feed or play with his children. Today was no other. He was sitting in their cave, poking at his babies that were already the size of seven-year-olds with how quick they were growing. It would be in around two months that they would be fully mature and ready to try human flesh. Until then, Francis was just happy to have his time with his kids.

One time he saw Meen wandering about the town, looking for him. At the time he was on a walk with Anastacha, when he saw the little green creature approach. Anastacha was quick to panic, only calming down when Francis picked up the baby doppelganger and started rocking it in his arms, cooing. After that he introduced the new siblings to each other, but denied when asked if his daughter could come to their den to meet the rest. He said it was too risky bringing another human into the cave, not with irritable Mera around.

Back to present day, Francis was just walking back through the forest, planning to get groceries on his way back, as it was the evening before Sunday, but was stopped as a clawed hand grabbed his arm. He turned around chuckling, thinking it was just Mera, but froze as soon as he saw the face of the perpetrator. It was a completely different doppelganger.

Francis struggled as two other doppels came out of the darkness, all grabbing him at once and ripping his clothes off.

"Mera said this one is good for breeding."

"Let's see how much it can handle."

Francis gulped at the insinuation, struggling all the more against the doppels holding him. The three grabbed his arms and lifted him above ground, before lowering him on their cocks. No sex between Mera and Francis was meant to breed since he was let go, as it was deemed too risky to let him go home with Mera's offspring inside him.

These doppels, however, were probably planning to keep him full and bred in a cage.

Francis screamed as three large tentacles entered him at once, completely shredding his entrance. He was crying out as all three began thrusting, one after the other, to keep his insides constantly full. Francis moaned loudly at the pressure against his intestine, getting stronger with each hard thrust against it. His dick was already hard against his stomach, bobbing up and down with every movement. He sobbed as the thought of being in the middle of cheating on Mera occurred to him. He tried to reason that maybe it was Mera who sent them his way so he could fulfill his job as the mother to dopplegangers, but then he remembered that Mera was actually the one who proposed they didn't breed anymore, taking consideration of Francis's human friends. He sobbed louder, his body being violated for the nth time without his consent.

Suddenly he heard a roar of anger behind him and he turned his tear stained face towards the sound. He smiled when he saw Mera himself, running towards him.

The three doppelgangers assaulting him were quick to drop his body to the ground and retreat. Mera chased after them for a few seconds, feral growls leaving his throat, until they were nowhere to be seen. Mera turned to face Francis with a worried expression, crouching down and hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry baby~" He cooed.

"It's okay... Could you pose as me and get me some clothes? I'll give you my documents and i should be on the list too. I just don't really feel like going back home naked again..." Mera nodded and quickly changed into Francis's form, taking off in the direction of the city while Francis himself walked towards their den. He greeted his children, all of them swarming him happily, jumping on him and clinging on by their claws.

Perfect for him, perfect for meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora