[ 009 ] field trip

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DAVINA woke up to someone roughly shaking her shoulder, and she let out a groan. There was an alarm lightly buzzing in Davina's ears. The person attempting to wake her persisted, and she rolled over.

"Hey, fuck off," she managed to get out, her voice heavy with exhaustion and throat dry. Through her blurry, sleep-crusted eyes, she could make out the shape of Peter and his head of perfect hair looking down at her.

"Not a morning person, nose?" he mused.

Davina grabbed her pillow and shoved it into Peter's face, hard enough he stumbled back away from her bed. She briefly heard Christina laugh, as the blonde sat up, yawned and stretched. Some of the initiates were already moving around and getting ready for their designated 'field trip,' and Davina quickly joined in, slipping out of her pyjamas and getting dressed into the black Dauntless clothes she was quickly becoming used to.

"Hey," Davina said, loudly, looking up at the top of her bunk, where an Apollo-sized lump was unmoving. She stood on the frame of her bed so she was level with his, and shoved him, hard. The boy sprung up, sending her a lethal, half-asleep glare. "Get up," she told him, unphased by his death stare, as she hopped down from the bed.

"It's too fucking early," Apollo seethed. Davina just scoffed at him and turned away, eyes finding Drew across the room, who was developing a light bruise on his chin from the day before.

She noticed Tris had returned to the dorms at some point during the evening, but was fast asleep. She must have missed it when she had been training.

"Am I ever going to see that tattoo?" Davina asked as Apollo got down from his bunk, now dressed as he basically flopped onto his feet next to her. His hair was still a mess, and he seemed to be styling it just by running his hands through it.

"Nope," he snipped, and Davina rolled her eyes. She then watched, warily, as Apollo moved to join Peter and his friends, the blonde girl hanging back. Peter shot her a glance, raising his eyebrows like he was wondering why she didn't join them. Davina took one look at Drew and Molly, scowled, and turned away from the pretty brunette boy.

She fell into step, as per usual, with Edward and Myra as they headed towards the tracks. The Pit was already alive with Dauntless members despite how early it was, all with their own designated tasks and movements. Davina admired the organised chaos found in the older Dauntless members, and throughout the faction as a whole.

The morning sun was glaring as the trio climbed the steps from the Pit to the glass building above, moving towards the exit and into the fresh air. Despite everything, the Dauntless compound was frustratingly stuffy, and the breath of fresh air and wind in her hair was fully welcome to Davina, who let out a sigh as they headed for the tracks.

"You know what would make this ten times better?" Davina said wistfully.

Edward shot her a look. "Smoking is bad for you."

GILDED LILY, divergent / peter hayesWhere stories live. Discover now