The Plan

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"If your friend is going to destroy the machine, maybe sneaking in is better."
Said Lara, the young woman who shadowed the handsome guy, Ben.
"We need to create a diversion to help her get in." I said impatiently. I have been alone for so long, I was no longer able to work within a team.
"But we can create a nearby explosion that would distract the Cybers and keep us intact. This doesn't sound like a smart plan."
Ben seemed to contemplate both of our points of view, then he got up and walked back. We followed suit.
"What do you think, Ben?" Lara asked.
"I think we are way out of our league here. Why don't we meet your friend and discuss the plan together?"
I thought about letting them meet Mina. I thought of all the horrible things that would happen. Thoughts of destruction and pain hit me all at once.
"My friend is not ready to meet anyone yet."
"How are we supposed to trust you then?" Asked Lara, prompting me to look at her with daggers in my eyes.
"Aren't we all on the same team? Don't we all want the Cybers gone?"
Both Ben and Lara looked at me.
"That's why you need to trust me. We all have the same enemy."

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