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Hours later, I opened the door to my haven and went inside.
"So? How did it go?" Mina asked as I walked in, so I looked at her angrily.
"How did I even think it'll work with you being what you are?" I screamed at her, and she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I went to my sofa and sat down, and she sat down next to me.
"What should we do now?"
"If we can't recruit them, we'll recruit others." I said while trying to control my temper.
Mina took a deep breath, then looked at me with resolution in her green eyes, then she left. My day left me a little bit tired, so I slept without realizing it. As soon as the morning rolled in, I woke up to a grunting sound. My gun was facing the source of the grunt in a reflex, but it was none other than Mina, so I lowered my gun. As I did, she fell down mirroring my movement, and hit the ground. The people who were alive before the apocalypse say that coffee was the best thing to get you up and running; I say seeing a person you care about hurt wakes you up much faster. I ran to Mina, realizing along the way that blood is gushing from all over her frail body, wires poking out from gunshot wounds. I held her in my arms, trying to work up a plan to save her. She lifted up her shirt to show me the wounds. "It's not so bad, is it? Those stupid humans wouldn't even listen to me. They started shooting immediately." I couldn't even reply. What was I supposed to tell her? That it was bad? That she was dying? "You can save me, right?" She said when she saw uncertainty in my eyes. "No. I'm not going to die. I'm the only one that can stop the machines. You can save me. Go. Go get your kit. Come on." She yelled at me in a weak voice, and tears started flowing on my face. I got up, got my kit, but when I turned to look, Mina was gone. Tears dried up on my face in an instant, and I reached for my stash of explosives.
An explosion was heard throughout the city. The camp of the monsters that killed Mina was in flames, and no one lived to tell the tale.

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