Chapter 5- You were just leaving, Geto

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Uhhh... get the fuck out?" 

"We were just-"

"You were just leaving, Geto."


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As she ensured everything was in her bag, Toji opened the door and offered her a hand, which she happily took as her bag was weighing her down. "Do you need assistance walking up to your floor?" When his eyes met hers, he quickly and ever so slightly nodded his head to the main door, where someone was standing.

"Holy shit this fucking guy." Ayumi's eyes went wide.

"Do you want me to make him go away?"

"No." She sighed as her eyes met Suguru's. "He's too persistent. Go get Megumi, I'll be okay."

"Miss." Toji urged, squeezing her hand that she forgot he was holding when she saw Suguru.

"Toji." Ayumi's eyes narrowed on him. "Even if you walk me to my door, I will still allow him to come up. Why waste your time when you can be with your son?"

"You call me if something happens." Something happened in that moment when Toji leaned down to whisper the words in her ear. Something that's never happened before... Ayumi's heart fluttered.

"Remember, 1pm for the meeting tomorrow."

"I'll be here at normal time to pick you and Miss Kato up. I'll be back in the building at 12:30." Ayumi released Toji's hand and began to walk away, before turning back at his words.

"No, take the morning off. Have Nanami come get Ren and I if it bothers you that much."

"That's not in his job description."

"It is if his boss tells him to. Take the morning off Toji, you'll still be paid." He reluctantly nodded, eyeing the black haired man that now walked up to his boss. "Bye!" She smiled and turned to the man.

How did he know she would be home early?

Toji's thoughts were parallel to what Ayumi asked Suguru as the two walked into the building. She was furious, actually she was beyond furious, but she couldn't ask Toji to stay and help her when he needed to get to his son.

She should have stayed at the office.

"Were you going to wait for me or something?" She asked him, breaking the silence as they stood in the lobby of the building.

Unfortunately, meetings like this occurred more than she liked, hence why she had Ren start to do her small errands for her.

"I always walk down this block to get my afternoon coffee. I'm surprised you're allowing me in so freely."

"I had a rough day." She sighed, not bothering to tell him he was the cause of it. "Do you... want to come up?"

The idea had bad written all over it, but she crumbled around Suguru Geto, she always had.

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