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The Ten Simple Rules

1. No staring

2. No flirting or sexual innuendos

Unwritten part: No saying anything that makes you want to rip each others' clothes off.

3. No touching

4. No hooking up with other people

5. No wearing revealing clothing

Unwritten part: Camila can't show excessive cleavage.

6. No sharing a bed

7. No confessions concerning the other

8. No walking, running, or dancing in the rain

9. No saying how much this sucks

10. No promises of forever

Camila dug her toes into the sand, and let the cool water wash over her heated skin. The afternoon sun was just beginning to spread an orange glow across the horizon, water birds dipping and diving into the surface, and landing part way up the long beach. She breathed in the fresh sea air, a vast contrast to that of the capital. The skies were bright blue rather than a hazy white, and the air was less humid, the breeze whipping her long hair around her face. She could feel the white sand beneath her feet, the waves slowly rolling in.

It was nothing short of beautiful.

Not to say Hanoi hadn't held a certain beauty of its own. But there was something breathtaking about the beachfront Hoi An, with its white sandy shores that bordered the South China Sea and out toward the Pacific Ocean, or so Lauren told her. Camila still thought there were sights to see in Hanoi, foods to try and cultures to experience. She even suggested they both take a day trip out east to Ha Long Bay after perusing Lauren's Lonely Planet that morning. But the brunette simply shook her head and continued to pack. Camila zipped up her bag without protest, trusting Lauren's judgment; not that she had a choice either way.

And when have I ever had a choice when it comes to you?

Camila looked over to where Lauren stood, her arms spread wide and her thin white shirt fluttering loosely behind her. The girl was watching the sun slowly drop behind the water in front of them, the sky growing darker with every passing minute. She had that smile on her face that still left Camila breathless, wanting nothing more than to just stand there with her feet buried in the sand and watch her until all the light had gone out.

"This place is amazing," Lauren sighed, keeping her gaze on the water. The orange light danced across its surface and reflected up into those perfect emerald eyes. It lit her whole face up. It was in these moments that Lauren was most beautiful to Camila. The moments where she lost herself in the world, and her walls were down.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," Camila agreed, catching her attention and letting a smirk creep onto her lips. "The view's not too bad either."

Her smirk only grew as the girl just rolled her eyes in response and headed further up the stretch of beach that bordered on the large deck. Camila laughed and turned her back to the water, looking at the pool that spanned the entire length of the resort and backed right onto the sand. Couples and families were out for their late afternoon swim, kids screaming happily as they ran across the wet pavement, before jumping into the pool.

Lauren was becoming smaller and smaller the further she went, but Camila didn't follow, knowing she'd eventually run out of beach and have to turn back. So she wandered over to one of the hotel's many deckchairs, sitting down and leaning back. It creaked under her weight, the wood slightly damp beneath her shorts and light shirt.

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