Chapter 1

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~August 1995~

It was 7:23 in the morning. Harry had just woken up. His jet black hair falling on his face. His scar was noticeable though, the scar he got on Halloween 1981 from Voldemort or more commonly known as "He who shall not be named" or "You know who". He got out of bed and opened his Door slowly to see if his uncle, aunt or cousin were there. No one in sight so he quietly walked down the stairs to hopefully get an apple before they wake up. As he reached the kitchen door, to his surprise he saw his relatives sat at the table eating fruit slices and Dudly was not impressed. The school has complained to Aunt Patunia about Dudleys eating habits and saying they weren't healthy enough so he is on a junk-food ban and uncle Vernon has sadly said we would all do it. Luckily Harry was smart and he sent Hedwig to Ron's and Hermione's asking for some sweets to eat so he wouldn't just have to eat fruit and vegetables all day. He managed to get 2 chocolate frogs and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. And of Hermione he got a low-suggar chocolate bar and sugar free biscuits which wasn't a surprise as her parents were dentists. He sat down and aunt Patunia slides over a plate filled with brown apple slices, thank god for his secret stash.
He started taking small bites of the slices when Vernon said...

"Were going to the dentist"

Harry had never been to the dentist before and never had Dudley but the school had suggested taking Dudley with the amount of cavity he has and Dudley, being Dudley had suggested Harry went to so he will suffer aswell.

"Make sure you wear normal clothing boy, and not thoes stupid clothes of your kind" said his uncle Vernon. All Harry said back was "Okay". Harry wore muggle clothing anyway he didn't understand why his uncle keped telling him that. "We have found a really good one to go to" Vernon had said just as Harry had finished his apple slices. "The Grangers, aparently there the best in town".

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